Friday, April 29, 2011

Battle wounds

After a lot of research and debating back and forth, and talking to our pedi, we got our vaccinations today.  I was dreading it!  When the nurse called us back, I told her I wanted to nurse him after the shots, so she set that up for us.  Then it was time for the pain.  Zach had been sleeping from about 9:30 (this was about 10:45) so he was pretty out. I picked him up and she gave him the drink one first.  He took that fine.  Then it was time for the shots.  We got 3 shots and sadly she did them ONE AT A TIME...  So 2 in one leg and 1 in the other.  Of course after the first poke, Z woke up and screamed (at which time I started tearing up) he calmed down much quicker than I thought he would.. Then the second one came.  Again he calmed down quickly.  Then we switched sides and the third one.  This was the hardest one.  Zach screamed louder, and cried a little bit longer also.  Then I stood up and he calmed right down.  Then I started nursing him and he ate for a while and I cried almost the whole time.. lol  Shots really are harder on parents than the babies.  Its so hard to see him in pain and know I made  the pain happen.  Plus there is all the worries about the side effects.  He fell asleep as soon as he was back in his carseat (11:00) and slept until we got home at 1:30.  I had done some shopping at wally world.  When we got home, he was pretty fussy, so I gave him some baby tylenol.  Then I let him play in his activity mat and I got a few smiles, which made me feel better.
   He is a bit sleepy, but doing well.  I think we will have alittle cuddle time today.  Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Fussy boy

#1 & #2

Last one!  and not even cool bandaids!  how rude!

Feeling better!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday

      As I sit here sans Tim, it makes me very thankful for him!  Around 5:30 I realized Z normally goes to his daddy and I was ready for that to happen!  Tim is helping a friend out today, so he isn't here.. which means Z didn't go tot him!  He really does so much for us!  Just this week, he put in a dimmer light in our bedroom, put up a new doorbell, and a shower head.  Also he fixed his riding lawn mover.  He works harder than anyone else I know and he is always willing to help his friends fix everything.  The downside to having a man who can fix/build/knows stuff is you have to share him.  But because of his hard work, I'm blessed by being able to stay at home with our son.  I love being here taking care of him and the house...  Ok, mainly him. lol
     Second I'm very thankful for TIME.  I've found a new favorite book "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" and I love it!   I'm reading it from the beginning, so it talked about the first few weeks.  Most the stuff about the hospital still makes me a bit sad, and I really feel like if I knew more it could have been different.. but reading about the first few days/weeks home reminding me how difficult it was.  It was really hard!  Not knowing what this little guy wanted and how he liked things done, makes it that way.  I'm starting to learn what he wants/needs and that I can give it to him.  That really helps w/ the confidence!  Also it made me realize I kinda forgot about it already.  We have a pretty good night time thing going unlike before.  
    Lastly I'm very thankful for those smiles!  They happen all the time now!  I still have a hard time getting a picture of one, but I'm tryin!!
Daddy playing for the Zach man

Yep a Nursing pic! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Life with a sick baby...

    Sick babies are no fun!  While Zach is still smiling a lot (then you can tell he just isn't feeling good!  Its hardest in the mornings when he is most congested and we have to suction his nose the most.  We also have been using the saline drops.. oh he HATES those!  Before we had him, I was worried how he'd react to getting his temp taken, but that doesn't seem to bug him that much.  After a quick trip outside to the mail box, heading next door to drop something off and mommy getting some breakfast, we spent the first 1/2 of the day in our room, just cuddling, nursing, suctioning, napping and repeat (with a few diaper changes in there ;)  Then he woke up and was done just hanging out in the room, so we can out of our cave and he played on his activity mat for a bit.  Then mommy thought he was feeling up for tummy time and he tolerated that for about 5 mins.  We nursed some more and then I sat him in his swing.  He has been out for 2 hours in it, so I was able to get a little bit of cleaning done.  I really can't believe how exhausted I am just from taking care of him. 
   Since he is so young there is no meds really to give him.  So all we can really do it have the humidifier running in whatever room he is in, keep suctioning his nose and wait!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sick.... poor baby!

Saturday, Zach woke up with a small cough and a runny nose.  We kinda thought it was just it could have been from spendiing time around doggies w/ long fur and that could have bugged him.  We also thought, maybe it was teething, but we were hoping not b/c he's still early for that.  So we were just watching it.  He didn't have a fever, but it never got better.  Easter he woke up with the same cough, and running nose..  still no fever and he still was eating really well.  He was a bit more sleeply, so we wanted to keep watching and I planned on calling the doctor in the morning.  So this morning, I called and they wanted to see him.
   Off to the doctor we go.  He gained a whole pound since the last time they saw him, 1 1/2 weeks ago!  Dr. E listened to his lungs, and checked out his ears.  Lungs were clear (YAY!) and ears looked find.  Dr. E said it was nasal congestion prolly from a virus.  So he said to get some nasal saline and run the humidifier at night.  So, poor Zach has to get his little nose sucked for the rest of the week.  Dr. E said he should get better by the end of the week, but it might get worst before it gets better.. So now we just watch it and wait it out.
  I've learned the dangers of looking things up on the internet... I wanted to hear the sound of whooping cough, just to know what to look for... what a mistake!  The website I went on, started off with this video (that came up automatically when I went to the website.) with this mom telling this awful story of her son having a cough and not coming home with them.  It was the saddest thing ever, and something I didn't need!  I just wanted to hear what it sounded like people!!   Lesson learned!!
   Here is some cute for your day!! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Performance Review...

    When I was in the real world out there, I had to do these every 6 months or year... I can't remember.  But I always liked them.  I liked knowing what I could do better and what I was doing well.  Plus up until the last year or so I worked there, we would get raises.  It was great knowing they thought I was doing well.  Even when there were things I would improve on, there were always things I was excelling at.  It was a great feeling!
   I am glad I don't have those little meetings now.  I'm pretty sure it'd look like this:
Job Title: Stay at home mom/house wife
Duties: Clean everything, Cook all meals, Laundry and Care for baby, dog, and husband.
Ratings: Scale 1 needs improvement - 10 excelling
Cleaning: On all counts 1.. That house has only been cleaned really well a few times,  Horrible at maintaining a clean house.
Cooking:  4, most the time meals are either just defrosted from freezer meal stash or something easy like hamburger helper.  Could use improvement on making lunches... seems to forget to make them a lot.
Laundry: 2.  Good at getting it into the washer and dryer on the first load, but fails to complete task-folding and putting it away.  Seems that baby laundry gets done, so that is good
Caring: Husband: 7
Baby: 10 He is growing, and learning more everyday!
Dog: 6, He is learning how to live outside the center of attention, and doing very well. 
Myself: 2  I am lucky if I eat more than 1 meal, shower more than a few times a week, and shaving, well if I have time in the shower to shave its a miracle. 
Caring is def your strong point.  Everything else needs improvement. 
Plan of Action:  Get better
    So no raise for me, until I can somehow learn how people have time to do anything other than take care of the baby. 
   Although, maybe this job is base on a different scale.  I mean my boss is more demanding than any other boss and his priorities are much different.  I'd say he cries about as much as any boss does, but he doesn't talk much yet.  If my performance is based on his smiles, then I'll be getting a raise ;)  Two months in and I'm getting a hang of this job.  I know what he wants when he cries, I know how he likes his drinks, I know what he likes to do during the day and night, and he seems to enjoy me.  The house may be a mess, but the baby is happy.. so that is a win!
  This week I'm looking forward to:
Wed: I have a postpartum support group meeting
Sunday is Easter, so we will be going to my great Aunts house, (we go every year) and alot of our family will met Z for the first time!
Also excited about Z first Easter :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Manic Monday

Well, not really that bad, but I really like this song.. lol
But Z has been pretty gassy/fussy today! This morning I had a doctor apt, where I actually needed stuff done, so I left him for the first time (with someone other than daddy) for longer than an hour. I cried, as I ran back to by car, at the gas station and part of the way to the apt. Also on the way home b/c of a few different songs. Pretty much anything that had the word baby in it. Its so odd to be away from him, since for the last 11 months, he's been with me. Most of that time, he was in my belly, but still with me. He did great with R (thanks for watch him!) Z was sleep most the time, and woke up right before I got there and ate from a bottle. So that all went well!
The rest of the day has pretty much been spent napping/watching movies/and crying. I've pretty tired and sore from the doc's apt, and I think Z is gassy. So it works out pretty well that we both just wanted to relax.
Plus we could be tired from the busy weekend. We had TWO bridal showers, a mom's tea, and a visit with the grandparents. Actually Sat, Z stayed at home with daddy when I went to one of the showers. Again I cried, and he ate from a bottle, but I was glad the 2 boys could bond some more. It really melts my heart seeing Tim love and play with Z.
Well that is all I have for now! And remember it's TAX DAY! ;)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Its been a BUSY week!

   This week I've done so badly with blogging!  But its because we have been very busy!  Monday was more of a relax day.. by that I mean a super grumpy day!  Zach had to be held pretty much all day.  We did get a couple walks in, one in the stroller and one in the moby, but that was about all we got done!  We didn't get go to Bible Study-on good days Z is the most cranky at night, and on grumpy days its really bad a night.  Tues, I was able to clean the house!  I went next door and they watched Z for a few hours and I got to clean!  I mean more than just load and empty the dishwasher.. I actually got to vacuum AND mop!  I also did this thing called dusting!  I don't think I have dusted since before he was born!  Its amazing what you can get done in 2 hours!!
   Weds, I had my doctor apt with my new doctor.  I really liked her.  We talked to her for about 45 mins and I really feel like she explained things to me.  Then I had lunch with a new mommy I had met in one of my mom groups.  It was really nice to get out and spend time with someone who really understands the same things I'm going thru!  Her baby is just 5 days younger than Zach.  We ended up spending 3 1/2 hours at the restaurant just talking!  I had to feed Z 2 times!  It was a good time, and I'm really excited to meet up again.  Then I rushed home, (b/c I had lost track of and our neighbors cooked out on the grill with us.
   Thursday we had Z 2 month apt with his new doctor, so daddy stayed home from work to go with us!  He got to see Z at his best, in the mornings!  Weekends we are normally too rushed to really get to enjoy the morning smiles, so Tim really hasn't seen him that happy!  He is truly a morning person!  It is so nice when he wakes up, looks around.. then looks right at you and smiles away!  I know Tim really enjoyed it.  After hanging around the house, and making some omelets,  we went to his doctors. 
   I liked him alot too!  He checked Z out, weighed him, 12.8 1/2lbs (that is up a whole pound in 2 weeks!!) and is now 24 1/2 in long!  So he has grown 4 1/2 in's since he was born!  He is outgrowing a lot of his 0-3 month stuff.  He said Z looked good.  We are getting his shots done in a few weeks. 
   Today, Z has been pretty good, he napped in his cradle this morning.  Which gave me time to clean up the office.. we have someone coming to hook up new and better internet, so I thought I should make it cleaner!  Now he is sleeping in my arms as I type.  I really love this cuddle time we have.  I couldn't imagine going back to work.  It would break my heart!  Tonight we have book club.. I will be bringing the moby!
   This weekend Z and I are also really busy!  We have a Mom's tea tomorrow morning.  Grandma is coming with us for that.  Then we have a bridal shower.  Sunday we have a linger longer at church, then another bridal shower!  This bridal shower is in my home town, so I think I will be trying to meet up with some ppl to show them Z, and will prolly stop off at my parents house so grandpa can see his grandson.  Then we will finally get to spend some time with daddy!! 
  Well I'm going to go make some lunch!  :)

Trying to get a smile..

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Family Pictures...

Family pic are SO much harder to do with a baby!  For my birthday I wanted to get a family picture.. and maybe one of Z only.  It kept getting pushed to another day.. until Today!!  Z had been in a pretty good mood until we entered the studio.  From the moment he woke up I knew we'd have issues.  He had eaten only an hour before, so I thought I had timed it right.. That was mistake number one.  Then is was very hot in there.. like they weren't ready to turn on the ac yet.. even tho it was in the 80s.  So Z was hot therefore grumpy.  He was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans.  That was Mistake number 2.  Mistake 3 was bringing my husband.  During our first try (Z hungry and in long sleeve shirt) the only thing my dear, supportive hubby says is, "You should have feed him before"  He says this while the lady is trying to take our family pic w/ our grumpy little boy.  She then asked if we want to move the apt back so we can feed him (thanks hubby).  I said no, it will only take 5 mins.  So we take off his shirt and I feed him.  He doesn't eat for long ( I didn't think he was that hungry.. b/c I knew he had just eaten.. even if hubby didn't think so..)  After we take his shirt off and he eats a little.. we try again.  We take some of just him and try another family.  Then we try for another one of just him in a basket.  The kid wasn't feeling ANY OF THIS!  The lady said we can try again another day.. Not realizing that I have been trying to do this for the last 2 weeks.. I said no, we can see what few photos you took and pick from them.  Z just wasn't comfy in the positions they were trying to put him in and it was burning up in there.  We did get about 4 good ones and we just picked 2.  We are planning getting more pics when he is a year, but I wanted a family picture now.  So after a very rough time, we did get 2 decent ones and then we went out to dinner and everyones mood got better. 
  Then we ran to my parents.  Z was hungry again and I was in pain.. since in my hurried feeding at the picture place fed him on the wrong side.. so I NEEDED to feed him on the right one.  Plus they wanted to see their grandson. 
  I'm so glad the weather is getting better!  It will be nice to get outside and enjoy it!
  I do need to praise my hubby.  This weekend he was so wonderful (minus making the comments at the picture place)  Z hasn't been sleeping well the last few days, which means mommy isn't sleeping either.  Sat he took Z and made me go to bed to take a nap.  It was wonderful.  He picked up the house (while taking care of Z)  It was a nice break!  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Doctors! :)

       So after the fight with Dr. S with the breastfeeding thing.. I thought it was time for a new doc.  So I made tons of phone calls (doctors, insurance, etc..) and got a new one-and I've heard he is really good from quite a few ppl.  So we go there next week for Z 2 month apt.. I can't believe he is almost 2 months already!  Wow!  This doctor is ok with delaying vaccines, so we are looking into that-doing some research.. and will talk to the doctor about it.  I feel really good about this switch and I'm looking forward to meeting them!
      As for my OB.. after going thru the whole preg/birth thing, I learned I didn't really like him.  I love his office and NP.. but as for him not so much.  I feel like he didn't ever explain anything to us.. and when we asked questions he would answer them in the quickest way possible and be walking out the door.. while answering.  I just feel like he couldn't take the time I needed... and not much was explained to me during preg.  Plus the new doctor does VBACs, which is something I want to try for next time. 
     Zach is doing so good!  He is growing like crazy and getting stronger every day!  He can stand (with much support) on his little legs!  He holds his head up like a champ!  And he has even enjoyed some time in his jumperoo!  He is still smiling away, but seems to cry every time I try to get a picture of it.  We will be switching to 3-6 onies very shortly...  Prolly in the next day or so.
   I've joined a few mom groups and I'm really enjoying them so far!  One is LLL and they meet every month and the other one meet 2 times a month..  Plus the mom group at the library.  I really like them!  Its nice meeting and talking to other people.. building new friendships ...        

So big!!  but still need the pillow there to hit the floor. for now!
Its hard work being a baby!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sleep!! Wonderful Sleep!

   Ah...  Its amazing what one hour can be when it comes to sleep!  Last night we slept from 12 all the way to 6.. yep, people that is 6 hours!  The most we have slept in 7 weeks.  Lets hope Z keeps that up and it wasn't just a fluke!  :)  Also, he is getting SO very strong.  He has started pushing him self with his arms and legs!  Almost doing push-ups  We have been sticking our tongue out at him and he has started mimicking it!  After he flashes his beautiful smile at us.  Finally something to tell us he does appreciate us!!
  As for me, I went to a La Leche League meeting yesterday and really liked it!  It was great meeting other mommys!  Plus it nice to have so much support!  There was a girl that was having some issues and they were so wonderful.  Well thats all I really have for now!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

525,600 minutes

First let me just say I love musicals.. and I love Rent, so I picked this video to help sum up this post. My 25th b-day was Friday! Its been a very changing year, but its been a great one! For my b-day we went to an Extreme game w/ my family. It was alot of fun! We got a lot of use of the Moby Warp this week.. it really has been my fav baby item of all time! In fact as I'm writing this, my child is finally asleep, in the moby. The poor guy has been dealing with some gas issues and has been fighting sleeping... so I got out the moby after he pooped and passed a lot of gas, and now he is out! I'm guessing when I'm done writing this and I go to bed, he'll stay asleep (crosses fingers!).
I've also learned birthdays were more fun when you were younger. Gearing up for the party (you know when you didn't have to plan them yourself), looking forward to all the great toys and gifts you'd be getting, being excited about having a day for you, blowing out the candles and making wishes... Now, you have to plan your own party, you still get good gifts, but its hard to know what you want, and then not feel guilty about the money spent on you, I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as a day just for you anymore, and no more candles on the cake (at least not here). I'm very excited about planning Zach's parties, and doing his b-day stuff.. but mine just isn't that great anymore. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed mine, and it was great hanging out with my family, it just lost the thrill it had before. That is a part of growing up I guess!
Today was alot of fun! T worked all day, so I went to a painting pottery place to get Z footprint on a tile and pic frame with my mom. Then we went back to mom's house so Grandpa and Grandma could spend time with the cutest little boy in the world! I came back home and my grandma (Z's great grandma) called and wanted to take us out to dinner... So we just had a full family day!  Now.... bedtime... :)