When I was in the real world out there, I had to do these every 6 months or year... I can't remember. But I always liked them. I liked knowing what I could do better and what I was doing well.
Plus up until the last year or so I worked there, we would get raises. It was great knowing they thought I was doing well. Even when there were things I would improve on, there were always things I was excelling at. It was a great feeling!
I am glad I don't have those little meetings now. I'm pretty sure it'd look like this:
Job Title: Stay at home mom/house wife
Duties: Clean everything, Cook all meals, Laundry and Care for baby, dog, and husband.
Ratings: Scale 1 needs improvement - 10 excelling
Cleaning: On all counts 1.. That house has only been cleaned really well a few times, Horrible at maintaining a clean house.
Cooking: 4, most the time meals are either just defrosted from freezer meal stash or something easy like hamburger helper. Could use improvement on making lunches... seems to forget to make them a lot.
Laundry: 2. Good at getting it into the washer and dryer on the first load, but fails to complete task-folding and putting it away. Seems that baby laundry gets done, so that is good
Caring: Husband: 7
Baby: 10 He is growing, and learning more everyday!
Dog: 6, He is learning how to live outside the center of attention, and doing very well.
Myself: 2 I am lucky if I eat more than 1 meal, shower more than a few times a week, and shaving, well if I have time in the shower to shave its a miracle.
Caring is def your strong point. Everything else needs improvement.
Plan of Action: Get better
So no raise for me, until I can somehow learn how people have time to do anything other than take care of the baby.
Although, maybe this job is base on a different scale. I mean my boss is more demanding than any other boss and his priorities are much different. I'd say he cries about as much as any boss does, but he doesn't talk much yet. If my performance is based on his smiles, then I'll be getting a raise ;) Two months in and I'm getting a hang of this job. I know what he wants when he cries, I know how he likes his drinks, I know what he likes to do during the day and night, and he seems to enjoy me. The house may be a mess, but the baby is happy.. so that is a win!
This week I'm looking forward to:
Wed: I have a postpartum support group meeting
Sunday is Easter, so we will be going to my great Aunts house, (we go every year) and alot of our family will met Z for the first time!
Also excited about Z first Easter :)