I though I'd share some of my favorite moments with you! Being a stay at home momma is wonderful and there are many parts of my life that I love!! Some are the smallest little things.. Like saying "wait, hold mommy's hand" and then seeing the little hand reach up for mine:
My heart fills with joy when he reaches up for our hands. We don't have to even ask most the time. He just reaches up and expects your hand to be there. I also enjoy our little crafty games. We have lots of discovery boxes and little games we do. He goes and finds them and brings them to me when he wants to play with them!
Here we are playing in our bean bin. One of his favs! I don't mind the little mess it causes. We put down the big red blanket and have a good time! He loves filling his cup and dumping them into a different container...
We love daddy.. and one of my favorite moments is when daddy plays guitar.. and now Z gets in on the action too!
I know someday Z and daddy will play together and I can't wait to hear the music! Daddy is so much fun too.. lots of fun play time happens with him.. and no one can make Z laugh like daddy!!
And of course snuggling.. No one can cuddle like Z can!! He is such alittle lover! When he hugs you, he'll pat your back.. He'll play w/ your hair and give you kisses.. in fact today we were leaving Olive garden and Z grabbed my face and gave me at least 5 kisses... so sweet. Here he is making sure he has my 100% attention. He normally grabs my face and just looks at me with a big smile...
You can't see his face, but he is smiling and talking away here...
and cuddling around nap time is pretty great too:
He looks mad.. but he isn't.. just serous and he is tired b/c its nap time.. lol So thats just a few of my favorite moments w/ my family!!