Thursday, March 31, 2011

Finding my body

   So here I am.  6 weeks and some days pp.  I have already lost 37 of the 40 (at least I gain 40lbs a week before I delivered.  I'm not sure what I weight exactly the day I had him.. so its what we are going with) without working out.. so I think thats pretty good!  The last two days I've jogged!  Today I jogged with T and the neighbor.  Man, they made me feel like I was SO outta shape, but hey at least I'm out there!  I still have to walk quite a bit, but slowly I'll be jogging more than walking.  One rainy days I think I'll do the Wii Fit/biggest loser.  I also have some work out dvds.. so might do those.  But so far the best work out really has been nursing!  How many people can say they lost 40lbs in 6 weeks?  Granted some of that was from giving birth... but alot of it has been from breastfeeding.  I really think if more people knew you would lose more of the baby weight with BFing, more people would do it!
   Also jogging gives me a chance to get out without Zach.  I get fresh air and some alone time.  Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with my son.. but its super nice getting away from him for a little bit!  It also feels great to be exercising again!  Before I got preg, (before we started moving)  we were working out really hard, I lost about 40lbs (that time it took me longer...  about 4 months) So I love that I'm starting to get back into it.  I plan on being able to re start doing the P90X that we were doing before, but that will take time. 
   I have started a chart there on the side of the blog with my progress.. Yes even my weight is on there... While it was hard for me to put that number out there, I feel like I need to and it will help motivate me to get to a good number.  So there it is for everyone to see!  My goal is to be back to 140's again.  That will take alot of time and alot of work.  But I was there not to long ago... so I know it is def something I can reach.  I've been released to work out for 3 days so far, and I have worked out every day...  Wish me luck that I keep it up!! :)
6 weeks postpartum
Down 37lbs


Corinne said...

What kind of sports bra are you using? I just git a new one and cant wait to try it this weekend! For larger breasyed nursing moms its hard to get good support and not end up with mastitis!

Good for you momma! I am getting there too!

Corinne said...

Wow that was some good typing I did above!!