Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Its been a busy week full of baby holding and wearing!

       So I know I have posted since Friday.. but its b/c poor Zach has kept me busy!  Friday we went to dinner w/ some friends and enjoyed that!  It was nice chatting with them, but Zach was kinda grumpy so I feel like my whole attention was not with the dinner.  Saturday morning I went to Once Upon a Sling ( and learned more on how to use a wrap and also bought my Mai Tei.. Which I love!  My cousin went with me, so we had Zach and her baby Elise.  Zach slept thru it all!  Switching him from wrap to wrap, he was out cold!  lol  We have already used our Mai Tei so many times!  I've nursed in a few times and you can't even tell!  Its wonderful!!  Sunday, we walked to church, since it was so nice in the morning.  Sunday evening we went to a Chinese buffet expecting all you can eat crab legs, but they must have been out of them.. and their ice cream machine was broken.. So sad!  
     Monday, Zach was pretty grumpy!  He wanted to be held all day (thanks for the mai tei again!) and nurse most of the day too!  We had our La Leche League meeting that night.. we were going to be on time.. but then Zach cried for 20 mins in the car before we left (we spend those 20 mins trying to calm him down) and cried almost the whole way there!  But once we got there, the kid fell fast asleep!  Again out cold!  Which is better than being fussy!  Tuesday I learned why he was so grumpy!  He finally got rid of that oral vaccine they gave him on Friday.  Oh my goodness it was bad!  The poo was everywhere, and it smelt awful!  So Monday, he had a tummy ache I'm guessin...  So after a outfit change, and wipe bath.. he was a much happier little boy! 
   Today, his home nurse came and checked his stats.  He is the same length, and weighs 14lbs.  That puts him in the 75%, which is where he was last time, so she was happy with that.  Then we took a walk to Subway and the post office.  Zach has been so happy today, talking, smiling, etc.  Its been a nice change from grumpy Zach.. and I was able to clean the house!  And spend time on the computer blogging!  :) 
Daddy wearing Zach in the new Mai Tei!  I need to get a pic of me in it!

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