Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anemia... for me not Z

So I have been so tired.  My last post was weds... well Thursday I was alittle late getting to the people house were I babysit because in the morning I had a nose bleed...  I got it stopped, but when I was in high school I had a nose bleed that would not stop.  I ended up going to the emergency room 3 times in one day.. and ended with emergency surgery and had to get my stomach pumped (there was alot of blood in my stomach)  So I was scared Thrusday morning.  But like I said I got it stoped and it was most likely just from dry air...  Friday I went shopping in the morning, came home (hadn't eatten much) Z fell asleep in the car, so I took him up to his bed.  I came down.. sat down for a min before making my lunch... (this was at 3:00.. so pretty late for lunch)  Well when I stood up, I fainted.  So I took it easy the rest of the day, and dealt with an awful pounding head ache..  I had all sorts of worries of what was wrong with me.  (No not pregnant for those that might thing that) I was talking to a friend Saturday (still feeling off... tired, weak, light headed) and she asked how my iron levels were.. I hadn't even thought about that!  So when my husband got home I borrowed his gold wedding ring and tested myself ( http://www.ehow.com/facts_6893875_gold-test-cheek-iron-deficiency.html -if you have never heard of this)  and a green line showed up where I ran the ring..  So I've been tired.. really too tired to post... but I'm taking some extra iron now, so hopefully I can get some energy back!!  But Z has kept us busy!  Here are some things we've done over the last few days:
there has been lots of tears lately... cold and molars.. no fun

Truck painting :)

Such a fun mom...


1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Oh Nikki I hope you feel better anemia is never much fun!