Thursday, April 11, 2013

Please excuse the mess, child is making memories

Today I was sitting here drinking my tea, holding my sick boy.. reading my blogs.  I enjoy writing in my blog, but I love reading my friends blogs!  Well one of my fav blogs posted about how we set an unrealistic view on motherhood.  Our pictures normally have the mess edited out of them.. or the picture view hides them.  Not always the case, but most the time. I thought I'd share a little bit of my chaos today:

Toys, books, pom poms and the diaper bag scattered around the living room.  A pile of clean clothes on the couch, and the dog taking over the folded blankets for his own bed.  Even as a "Stay a home" (b/c really we dont' stay at home much..)  things get messy...  You don't always get to eat or shower on a normal basis.. but its real.  The living room will get picked up mostly by the time daddy gets home, and dinner will be about ready.. maybe ;)  and hopefully the clothes will be folded.. maybe not put away.. but its life.. and I love it...  Today I will focus on my sick man more than cleaning..  the house will wait.. Z won't...

 A little better after nap time...  Still not perfect.. but its life!  There is a kid in the tent.. He wanted to play in it. 

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