About Us

Oct 14, 2006
The day I married my best friend
   I never thought I'd fall in love with a boy when I was only 15 years old, but that is what happened.  On our 3 year anniversary he asked me to marry him.  I of course said yes.  We had first planned on getting married in Jamaica and bringing our parents to see it.  But Tim wanted to move the date up, so 2 years after he proposed, we were married.  After we had been married for a while we got a dog (Chase).  We lived in a few apartments and rented a house until June 2010 we bought our first house!  A house wasn't the only change that happened in June.  We also learned that we were expecting our first child (found out on Fathers Day :) ) I also became a Stay at home mom.  Overall I think that really helped me have the easy pregnancy that I ended up having.
   Feb 15 I had a emergence c-section, and I had my wonderful son, Zachariah.  He is really the joy of our lives!  I love being a mom, but I'm also so grateful for the time that we had before we had him.  We were able to travel and really enjoy being married before becoming a family.  I really can't believe that ten years ago I started dating the man that ended up being my best friend and the father of our son.  :)