Monday, April 29, 2013

Mushroom hunting!

Ah... Spring time!!  Finally...  So we thought we'd go see if we could find some yummy mushrooms!  He wanted to where his snow boots... ;)  Toddlers were funny!...  So off we went with some friends!!

After some looking and finding ways through some water (and wearing two babies...well one baby and one toddler...) We found some!

It was so much fun taking Z out.. letting him rump around in the woods!  We found a toad and lots of sticks.  He even made noises as he walked...  lol.   I grew up camping and being out in the woods.. so I love that Z is too!   

Its a little early, so we just found a few...  and they were small.. but we found some!!  So we get to enjoy a few bites of mushrooms tonight!  Hopefully we find more soon!! 

A side note about me, I'm still fighting this food poisoning thing.  I am having very bland food and being very careful with my stomach.  But I was today and I was able to keep most things down.  I'm still tired.. very tired from not getting much food over the weekend.. and what I did eat, I didn't keep down.  I'm hoping my stomach will be back to normal soon...  So I can enjoy these mushrooms!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

What a week...

Recap: Monday. Puking and Diarrhea dog:  Tues.. just exhausting day.  Weds.  Food poisoning for Me and Little bit for Z.  Thrusday, exhausted only could keep down soup, threw up at the stop sign in front of our house b/c I tried to take Z for a walk.  Friday: cooked a bisquit thing in the mircowave for Z.. said microwave caught on fire.. filling our house w/ smelly smoke.  Tried to eat my stress away with carbs and sugar... not thinking about the fact that the day before barely kept soup down= not good plan... 

This week has been very... interesting.  Monday I worked out in the morning, when we got home, I walked in and smelt something.. something awful... Poor Chase has exploded...  So I went up put Z to nap.. and cleaned chase and the mess up.. Gave him a bath... put him outside.. then let him stay in a "safe" toweled down area.  About an hour went by and then Chase looked up at me... and had those eyes.. so I put him outside and he went straight to the grass and puked :(  Poor guy.  I spent the day taking care of him...

Fast forward to Weds.  Z woke up early about 6.. so I made eggs.  I made scrambled eggs for him... and a egg sandwitch for me.  I had 2 eggs and I left the yolk slightly undercooked for me...   We went and I worked out w/ my trainer (a hard workout!) and then met up w/ my little bro for some lunch.  Then we came home, and Z had fallen asleep.  I started picking up...  and then all of the sudden had issues.  The day just kept getting worst.  I called T and asked him to come home (it was about time for him to be off anyway)-I couldn't keep anythig down... and everything went straight through me.  I even thought of about going to the ER b/c it was so bad.  Z also had issues.  His weren't as bad and didn't seem to have the horrible pains or the throwing up.  He just had the diarrhea-which comes with other issues for him, like a poor raw diaper rash.  But I was glad I had it worst.  Thrusday I was doing a bit better.. still having some issues and super super tired, but less pain and not as much of either problems but still suffering... and eating still caused issues. 

I think the eggs must have been bad.. they didn't smell bad or look off, but its what I think caused our issues.  I was laying there thinking about the eggs and I realized I had given Chase a raw egg on Sunday for his coat-.... so I think that could be what cause his problems too!  But who knows.. So I threw away the eggs... (we had 2 cartons that both had some eggs used out of them.. so after cooking on Weds I mixed them and put them all in on carton... so I threw all of them away.

Friday... oh Friday... like I said mircowave caught on fire.. smoked filled the house.. ugh...  The messy house.  My husband did great taking care of Z and me, while I was out.. but now there is a mess everywhere... so I'm trying to clean that.. get the smell of smoke out of my house, and feel better.. without much luck..  Thinking I might just order pizza for the boys for dinner and I might just have soup... hope your week was better than ours...

For the record, the fire was in the mircowave and was able to put it out before any real damage was done.. Z is fine, I'm fine and so is the house..  There was SO much smoke that we both were coughing... so we got out of the house while the rest of the smoke cleared out.. but we are all safe now. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Saddest words ever...

With tears in his eyes and one rolling down his cheek.. ..  "momma....  teetff hurt...."  So very heart breaking!!  His teeth hurt .. his molars are still coming in...  but he is doing ok!  Not sick...  I've been working out with my trainer...  Just wanted to send a quick update. 

Oh my!!!

Oh my!!  :)  Guess what came after dinner on this night?? 

Friday, April 19, 2013

I forgot how much I liked the gym..

This week I started to find our old norm.. you know the one from about 3 months ago, before Z spent the whole winter sick??  It didn't take me long to remember just how much I valued and enjoyed my time in the gym!  Especially after spending the last 3/4 months with Z straight (pretty much) with out a mental break.  The time off and quick cooking foods did their damage on the scale.. but it seems I kept a lot of my strength and my flexibility, so at least that is something!  Most the battle is just getting to the gym right?  Before I was going every day... I'm going to try to get back to that.  I went Weds to work out with my trainer (who I have missed!!) and it was a great workout!  I for sure felt it yesterday-  Yesterday I had planned on going to do Zumba then do the yogaish class.  But T didn't get home in time for me to make it to Zumba, but after I cooked dinner, I was able to get out and do the Bodyflow (the yoga class)... anyone who doesn't think that is a workout... hasn't done it.
   So enough about me working out...  Z has been feeling better!  His molars are coming in.. which is not fun and makes for a sometimes very very cranky but he hasn't had a temp over 99.9 since Tues!  So that is a nice change!!  We are so ready for spring...  and now his immune system will be rock solid!  We did have some nice days here, so we went out hiking with some friends and our pups!  This is a place we will be spending much of our summer days I imagine!  

Fixing it!

Monday, April 15, 2013

A moment to pause...

I sat down and started writing a post about how I might have been a bit early to start normal activity with Z b/c during lunch we had a meltdown and his fever went back up.  But as I sat down to write during Z's nap, I turned on the news.  Its never good when every station has the Breaking news on it.  It was about the explosion/bombs at the Boston Marathon.  The first thing that crossed my mind: my friend whom I've never actually met in real life, but have grown to know and love that was running in it.  Thank God she is ok.  She was about 1/2 mile away from the finish line when the explosions happened.  It was a very scary moment.. Wondering what happened to her, thinking about what caused the explosions, and what will happen.  Z woke up and came down.  He saw the TV and said "oh no, fire... hurt"  broke my heart.  So we turned on "nater" (cars) instead...  I sat here cuddling with my sweet boy, enjoying a scone and some Mexican chocolate tea...  I called my husband to see if he had heard (and to just hear his voice..) 

Tonight hug your loved ones tight... 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Oh pintrest... you win some .. you lose some...

Sometimes pintrest has some GREAT ideas... like the breakfast I made today that had way too many calories in it..
It was soo good! Check it out here...  And then there are ideas for toddlers..  some of them seem too young or too old for Z, but I thought since we are stuck inside we'd try something.  We have TONS of cardboard boxes... Thanks for Mary kay really... So today I thought I'd take tape and cardboard boxes and make a "town" for Z cars.. I did the first box and set up while Z was up..  watching.. coming around me behind me pulling up the tape... Thanks buddy.. When I told him to hold on and wait and stop pulling the tape up.. went over well...
Yep, crying...  Finally I got enough down to show him..

So I thought since one was going well.. I'd try to add a nother box and more "roads"...  Z had other ideas.. haha

"I did it!!"
Guess he wanted to play Godzilla instead...  But the fun lasted oh about 10 mins.. the set up took alot more time than that...  Oh well.. he had fun..  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sick saturday... :(

First off I have WAY too many pictures like this.. my sick boy in my arms from this winter.. Its just a cold this time.. a cold that won't go away!  On top of his cold this poor boy has molars coming in.. So all week he was up and down w/ fevers, his cough got better, but overnight got much worse and is clingy, fevery, raging, then he'll have a bit of energy... and then back down.  T is working today, and I was supposed to go help my mother in law today, but that won't be happening..  we'll just be relaxing at home.  Luckily I have some easy activities to do inside..  After his meds kicked in this morning we got out the noddles, some playdo, colored pasta and fruit lopes, straws and cheerioes.
Just put the noddles in playdoh and let them "string" the other things on them.

A sorta smile.. he was growling..

Then we dumped out all the colored pasta...
Z didn't want to put the cheerioes or fruit lopes on them.. he wanted to eat them.. lol.  Hoping he gets over these  colds and his teething quick...
And the cotton ball fun....
Will wait till he is better and its warmer out.. maybe tomorrow

Friday, April 12, 2013

Cotton ball fun!

So we found a pinterest fun idea.  I've been pining lots of things and trying to do them.. so tonight Z still had a bit of a fever and it was icky outside, so I got some flour, water and cotton balls and of course some food coloring.  1 cup flour and 1 cup water to make the paste, add the color you want.. then coat the cotton balls. Add a toddler, subtract the clothes.. and let them go!

Our mini muffin pan was perfect for Z putting one in each hole.  Some ended up mixed colors, but after they were all coated pretty well, into the oven they went.  300 degrees for about 45 mins. 
We had some extra pasted... so I got a pan and just let Z do whatever he wanted.. so they won't be so good for smashing tomorrow, but thought it was would be fun anyway.  He even helped clean up with his water bottle sprayer...

Then it was bath time.. and after Z went down.. mommy made a few more pans of the cotton balls so the smashing won't go too quickly!  Hope tomorrow will be nice so we can smash them outside... otherwise we might use the garage.. ;)  I'll post pictures of that

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Please excuse the mess, child is making memories

Today I was sitting here drinking my tea, holding my sick boy.. reading my blogs.  I enjoy writing in my blog, but I love reading my friends blogs!  Well one of my fav blogs posted about how we set an unrealistic view on motherhood.  Our pictures normally have the mess edited out of them.. or the picture view hides them.  Not always the case, but most the time. I thought I'd share a little bit of my chaos today:

Toys, books, pom poms and the diaper bag scattered around the living room.  A pile of clean clothes on the couch, and the dog taking over the folded blankets for his own bed.  Even as a "Stay a home" (b/c really we dont' stay at home much..)  things get messy...  You don't always get to eat or shower on a normal basis.. but its real.  The living room will get picked up mostly by the time daddy gets home, and dinner will be about ready.. maybe ;)  and hopefully the clothes will be folded.. maybe not put away.. but its life.. and I love it...  Today I will focus on my sick man more than cleaning..  the house will wait.. Z won't...

 A little better after nap time...  Still not perfect.. but its life!  There is a kid in the tent.. He wanted to play in it. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ordinary days...

The gift of an ordinary day... need tissues
Katrina Kenison

Click on that youtube link (I tried to post it on here.. but had issues.. anyway it was the perfect thing I needed to hear.  Our days have been full of clingy tears, big tantrums, being unable to please this little toddler.. Instead of complaining about him wanting me to hold him, maybe I should have tired to cherish it more.. well after watching this video, I thought a new thought and now working hard to cherish it.  (at least the snuggles....)

Toddlers are hard.. especially teething sick ones...  But we are working through it....  I will be very happy to have a happy boy back.. or at least a less ragey one...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anemia... for me not Z

So I have been so tired.  My last post was weds... well Thursday I was alittle late getting to the people house were I babysit because in the morning I had a nose bleed...  I got it stopped, but when I was in high school I had a nose bleed that would not stop.  I ended up going to the emergency room 3 times in one day.. and ended with emergency surgery and had to get my stomach pumped (there was alot of blood in my stomach)  So I was scared Thrusday morning.  But like I said I got it stoped and it was most likely just from dry air...  Friday I went shopping in the morning, came home (hadn't eatten much) Z fell asleep in the car, so I took him up to his bed.  I came down.. sat down for a min before making my lunch... (this was at 3:00.. so pretty late for lunch)  Well when I stood up, I fainted.  So I took it easy the rest of the day, and dealt with an awful pounding head ache..  I had all sorts of worries of what was wrong with me.  (No not pregnant for those that might thing that) I was talking to a friend Saturday (still feeling off... tired, weak, light headed) and she asked how my iron levels were.. I hadn't even thought about that!  So when my husband got home I borrowed his gold wedding ring and tested myself ( -if you have never heard of this)  and a green line showed up where I ran the ring..  So I've been tired.. really too tired to post... but I'm taking some extra iron now, so hopefully I can get some energy back!!  But Z has kept us busy!  Here are some things we've done over the last few days:
there has been lots of tears lately... cold and molars.. no fun

Truck painting :)

Such a fun mom...
