Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter family time

The Easter bunny likes bubbles this year!
I love Easter.  It is such a great day for us.  First there is Church and its just such fun energy b/c He is Risen!  But then there is the family part.  Our family has always gone to my great Aunt B's for Easter.  We see a side of the family that we don't see enough (I need to make more of effort to see them more often!).  First I love my Aunt B, she is such a strong women and loves us kids like we were her grandkids.  And she loves Z too.  But my cousin and her kids are there (well now its actually at her house b/c there is more room and kid area)  So Z gets to play with all 4 of her kids!  We have our big family meal of ham and turkey and all the sides, then we do the Easter egg hunt, just like we did when I was a kid.  Over time we learned it was better to use plastic eggs instead of hard boiled ones and you should count the eggs too to make sure you get them all ...  And there became rules, like no hiding eggs in the gas tank of the cars... haha..

 Something we didn't do was get a group picture of the kids... next year we will have to try to do that!  But Z had tons of fun playing w/ the kids.  Before we all had kids, we hung out quite a bit, so it was great getting caught up with the L & P too.  We ended up staying the whole day there, which is what normally happens!  :)  So I think it would good to try to get together w/ them a few times a month.. ...  Hoping that happens!
Here are some pictures from the day!
Easter Best!  He took his eggs out of his basket and put them into the cart.

Little E and Z looking for eggs!

After a long day of some pretty hard playing.. he fell right to sleep in the car.. using his Easter gift as a pillow ;)

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