Friday, April 26, 2013

What a week...

Recap: Monday. Puking and Diarrhea dog:  Tues.. just exhausting day.  Weds.  Food poisoning for Me and Little bit for Z.  Thrusday, exhausted only could keep down soup, threw up at the stop sign in front of our house b/c I tried to take Z for a walk.  Friday: cooked a bisquit thing in the mircowave for Z.. said microwave caught on fire.. filling our house w/ smelly smoke.  Tried to eat my stress away with carbs and sugar... not thinking about the fact that the day before barely kept soup down= not good plan... 

This week has been very... interesting.  Monday I worked out in the morning, when we got home, I walked in and smelt something.. something awful... Poor Chase has exploded...  So I went up put Z to nap.. and cleaned chase and the mess up.. Gave him a bath... put him outside.. then let him stay in a "safe" toweled down area.  About an hour went by and then Chase looked up at me... and had those eyes.. so I put him outside and he went straight to the grass and puked :(  Poor guy.  I spent the day taking care of him...

Fast forward to Weds.  Z woke up early about 6.. so I made eggs.  I made scrambled eggs for him... and a egg sandwitch for me.  I had 2 eggs and I left the yolk slightly undercooked for me...   We went and I worked out w/ my trainer (a hard workout!) and then met up w/ my little bro for some lunch.  Then we came home, and Z had fallen asleep.  I started picking up...  and then all of the sudden had issues.  The day just kept getting worst.  I called T and asked him to come home (it was about time for him to be off anyway)-I couldn't keep anythig down... and everything went straight through me.  I even thought of about going to the ER b/c it was so bad.  Z also had issues.  His weren't as bad and didn't seem to have the horrible pains or the throwing up.  He just had the diarrhea-which comes with other issues for him, like a poor raw diaper rash.  But I was glad I had it worst.  Thrusday I was doing a bit better.. still having some issues and super super tired, but less pain and not as much of either problems but still suffering... and eating still caused issues. 

I think the eggs must have been bad.. they didn't smell bad or look off, but its what I think caused our issues.  I was laying there thinking about the eggs and I realized I had given Chase a raw egg on Sunday for his coat-.... so I think that could be what cause his problems too!  But who knows.. So I threw away the eggs... (we had 2 cartons that both had some eggs used out of them.. so after cooking on Weds I mixed them and put them all in on carton... so I threw all of them away.

Friday... oh Friday... like I said mircowave caught on fire.. smoked filled the house.. ugh...  The messy house.  My husband did great taking care of Z and me, while I was out.. but now there is a mess everywhere... so I'm trying to clean that.. get the smell of smoke out of my house, and feel better.. without much luck..  Thinking I might just order pizza for the boys for dinner and I might just have soup... hope your week was better than ours...

For the record, the fire was in the mircowave and was able to put it out before any real damage was done.. Z is fine, I'm fine and so is the house..  There was SO much smoke that we both were coughing... so we got out of the house while the rest of the smoke cleared out.. but we are all safe now. 

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