Monday, April 30, 2012


It was a very rainy day today, and I was not sure we'd be able to get some outside time, but luckily it stopped raining and we were able to go for a walk and stop off at the park.  Where we found some water puddles.. so I showed Z how to jump in puddles.  He loved it!  I knew he would.. but it was fun watching him run around from puddle to puddle.  After a little bit, he sat down in the puddle.. figures.. lol.  I picked him up.. and he promptly sat back down in it.  Since it was a bit chilly, it was now time to go home.

School is almost out.. which I'm so excited about!  Classes are going really well, but I'm ready to be done this semester.  I'm thanking the summer off to relax and work on my Mary Kay some more.  Other than that, there isn't much more going on with us!

Z's is a talker.. He is such a talker.  I am not sure what he is saying most the time, but he sure does!  He also loves going for walks and playing with rocks and dirt.  His favorite toys right now, would be the water table, his mail box, elmo and any balls.  He is wearing size 5 shoes and 18 month clothes.  Favorite food is bananas and carbs.. lol.  He loves bread.  He also likes to get fruit snacks out of cupboard and brings them to me.

Playing in dirt


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