Monday, April 30, 2012

We took a break

I should explain where we have been the last few weeks.  Well sick and exhausted!  Getting up at 5 to work out.. wasn't working.  I was sick for 2 weeks straight, Z was sick too.  So I'm not getting up to work out anymore.  I work out while Z's awake.  Which means my work outs are much less intense, but its better than nothing right?  Z likes to "work out" too.  He is too cute.  So, after a stomach bug and a sinus infection that moved its way to my chest, I decided it was time to take it easy.  For those 2 weeks we really did the bare min. things.  We missed our music class, Mary kay meetings, Bible study, working out, class.. just about everything, but we had time to recover and it was needed!  Now we are all back to normal, and learning that I need to manage things a little better.  Afterall I'm not super mom ( almost.. ;) ) Its all about balance right?  Again, I'm excited about summer! 
As hard as it was being sick and having a sick baby and a working dada (lots of working hours..) I learned how blessed we are.  We have such an amazing support system.  My parents, T's parents, and some great friends that all helped and watched Z for us.  I am so lucky to have so many great people so close!  I know a few moms that don't have that, and I have no idea how I'd survive without my people!  So thank you everyone!  We love you and you are very appreciated and Z is so lucky to have you all in his life!  <3

At the Zoo w/ Nana..

Nana showing Z the bird

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