Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We did our annual Memorial camping this past weekend.  It was very relaxing and needed!  We didn't do the normal slip and die, or a mud pit, but in a way it was nice that we didn't have that much to plan for.  We did alot of fishing, and hanging out in the creeks.  Even Z played in the creek-he really like throwing the rocks.
Not the actually place we were..
Ahhh.. campfire

There isn't much more relaxing than this view!  One night Z spent the night at grandma/grandpa's Sat night giving us a chance to fish and run bank lines without having to worry, but Sunday we got Z out.  Lots of sunscreen, umbrella, and a great idea of "planting" a tree for some shade, we didn't get sunburned!  The only issue we had was Z had a reaction to the baby sunscreen on his face.  I normally use "face"but when I was reapplying I used the normal stuff.  Then his eyes were red and watery, nose was running and his litle forehead got all bochy and red.  But after it happened, we all remember T having similar issues w/ sunscreen on his face.  Like father like son!  After a wash and a little cool off time, we were all better.

Relaxing in style!
 It was a great weekend, Monday was a day full of just relaxing!  After cleaning up the campsite, the boys went to check the fishing stuff (we got some :) And Z and I came home, he got a bath, and I took a quick shower.. ran some laundry and that was about it.  Napping, movies and just doing nothing was pretty much how our day was spent. 
Wearing ear protection.

I know I needed a little break, so it was great!  It was a bit smaller group than years before, we were missing a key person, but it was still a fun time and great hanging out with our friends... Now time to get back to work!  I have a lot of Mary Kay stuff to do this week!  Phone calls, deliveries, follow up, so much to do!  But its good to be busy busy!  :)

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