Thursday, September 27, 2012

Forgot how exhausting sick kids are..

Z has been sick since Sunday.  It is breaking my heart in 1/2 and really slowing our week down!  We pretty much havn't done anything.  Other than our little outing to the doctor yesterday and the stop at the mall.. b/c mommy was going stir crazy!  He has been taking long naps, so then I do too.  Coughing, fever, cuddling, runny nose, sneezing-then crying.  thats been our days.  Its just a virus, but its tiring and we just have to let it run its course. 
This week we have been eatting alot of easy meals, and been relaxing a lot and spending alot of time in our pj's.  But we still have time to find some fun!  Like yesterday we played in a flour mix w/ our cars.  Messy.. but then we did a car wash in our bath tub-where the cars and the Z got washed.  I can't wait for him to be better.  As for me.. I need a shower and to do the
Watching Thomas..


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