Wednesday, September 26, 2012

took the summer off!

So I didn't post much this summer!  Sorry about that!  Life w/ a toddle is a busy one, especially when you are building your own Mary Kay business, going to school, playing, and being a wife!  I also started babysitting a few fun kiddos too!  So, where have we been?  Playing!
Z is soo big!  Can you all believe he is 19 months now??  I can't!  He is in 2T clothes and size 5/6 shoes.  Big boy!  He has 11 teeth I think.. He is now running and climbing on everything he can get on.  He even has learned to push toys/chairs/etc towards the counter to get stuff off of it he wants.  His fav things: Toy would be anything ride toys, but especially his tractor.  Food: really everything.. I guess strawberries.  He loves playing with his cars and bath time... 

I am so blessed to be able to be at home with him.  I love that my "job" allows me to add to our family, but still raise my son.  He really brings me so much joy!  I just wanted to get on here and give alittle update about us!  Here is a quick pic selection from our summer

Cute cowboy ring bear

Tux shirt.. camo.. oh yea!

Went to fall festival!

Sharing corn on the cob w/ daddy

Playing in the rain!!  SO MUCH FUN!!!

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