Sunday, February 6, 2011

37 weeks and on bed rest...

   Thrusday night I had a headach, and when I woke up Friday it was still there.  I had a friend come over and check  my blood pressure, since I was also pretty swollen..  It was really high, so they took me into the doc (Thanks so much guys :) ) We got there around 12:30pm Friday.  They checked my bp and it was still high, so they had me lay on my side for quite a while to help it go down.. but it didn't really go down.  I had a small amount of protein in my urine so they wanted me to go to L&D to get more test done.  They were monitoring the baby, and his heartbeat was fine, so they weren't too worry about him.  Since my bp was still pretty high they kept me overnight and had me to do a 24 hr urine collection.  Sat my bp had dropped low enough, so after talking to my doc in the morning (and being put on bedrest and low salt diet) he said after my 24 hr collection I'd be able to leave.. so at 3:30pm Sat I was able to go home!  I was super excited.  My doc wants to try to get to 39 weeks, so we will see.  I have an apt with him on Tues and I'm sure we will talk some more about it then. 
   At this point I'm really glad I have everything pretty much ready for the baby.  His clothes are washed and put away, blankets washed, cradle ready, etc.  Also I'm glad I didn't wait last min to cook my freezer meals, where as there are alot of them I can't eat right now (too much salt in them)  its nice that I don't have to worry about them.  So now I just we just wait and follow the docs orders so I can keep my bp down!
   My family/friends have already been so wonderful!  We have great people taking care of Chase while we were gone overnight-and its so nice to not have to worry about our furbaby being taken care of.  Also my mom has done some shopping for us and is bring food here, and "babysitting" lol me while Tim is at work.. Plus all the offers of people willing to come over and help out while I'm down.  Thanks everyone, you guys are great!

Whats new with the baby this week:
Your smooshed-up baby is weighing in at around 6.3 lbs and 19 inches (with boys somewhat heavier and longer than girls).
As far as their internal organs go, your adorable poop and blood factory has reached "term" - a medical term that means your sweet little bun is birth-ready and labor is welcome and normal at this point.

And me:
How far along? 37 weeks and 1 day 
Total weight gain: +38 pounds 
Sleep: Sleep... I'm not really sleeping well at all anymore. 
Movement: He is always having a party in there.. moves around all the time :) 
Best moment this week: Being able to come home from the hospital 
Food cravings: None
Gender: It's a boy!
Maternity Clothes: Yep, but lately I've been living in my couple pairs of yoga pants.  Mat. Jeans aren't that comfy anymore... 
Belly Button in or out? Still in; it's cute and little if you can believe it.
What I miss: sleeping thru the night and wine and soon to be salt.. lol
What I am looking forward to:  I guess talking to the doc on Tues and seeing what he is planning for us.
Nursery Progress: We still need to put up the wall hangings, but since he isn't staying in the nursey right away, thats not big deal.  Other than that, we are ready!

1 comment:

jean said...

Of course I will "babysit" you :). btw i know one thing you miss is cheese since you cant have it right now.