Saturday, February 12, 2011

38 weeks today..

Counting down the days now!  I can't believe that still will be our last full night in our house with just Tim and I!  Even tho I'm on bed rest we did run into town and went on a quick lunch date.  It was nice, but I was super tired when I got home.  We (Tim) also ran into a store and got some more wood and other stuff for the baby's room and the shelves he has been building in the storage room.  I think he is nesting.. since I can't... lol  But it looks great in there.  I stayed out in the truck and waited and then we came home.  Tonight I think the neighbors are coming over to hang out... so that will be nice. 
All I really need to do now (other than just rest) is put a few things in the hospital bag and pick out a few more CDs.  So.. its just a matter of days now.. Kinda Crazy!!

Here is how I'm doing:
38 Weeks Poll:
How far along? 38 
Total weight gain: +37 pounds 
Sleep: Sleep... I'm not really sleeping well at all anymore. 
Movement: He is always having a party in there.. moves around all the time :) 
Best moment this week: Being able to come home from the hospital again... 
Food cravings: None
Gender: It's a boy!
Maternity Clothes: Well since I'm on bed rest.. I just wear my PJ's.. 
Belly Button in or out? Still in; it's cute and little if you can believe it.
What I miss: Being able to clean.. and get up outta bed.. and get my own food.. you get the idea
What I am looking forward to:  Monday.  :)
Nursery Progress: I'm not sure, I can't go up the stairs now.. But I know Tim has been working up there.. So I think the closet is almost done and he might have the pics up.. not sure..

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