Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Motherhood..birth story.. finally!

So I have been awful at updating!  I've been busy running around with a newborn and getting use to our new life together!  Plus is really has taken me a while to be able to write our birth story.  Where as I know that I got the greatest thing I could have (our son) it still took some time for me to be ok with with how everything went.. But here it is:

  Sunday night, T and I were running around the house... T more than me, since I was still on bedrest, but I did do alittle cleaning.  T was going crazy building shelves for storage.. lol, and cleaning what I couldn't.  So after we got alot done, we thought we'd try to get some sleep.  I slept for about 2 hours and T didn't get any sleep.  At 11:30 pm we headed out, said our goodbyes to the pup and got ready for our lives to be changed forever!  We got to the hospital right on time and they got us into a room.  I got my first interal and found out I was SUPER high and just a fingertip dilated.. so that was alittle dissappointing.  In the room the TV was small, but the bed wasn't too bad and the bed they had for T was better than the one when we were in there last.  They started me on Pit around 1 ish in the morning.  Then they noticed that the computer screen wasn't working in the room.. so they had to move us.. back into the room where I spent the night when I went in for high blood pressure.. It was smaller, but the TV was bigger and T had to sleep in the dumb chair thing, again. 
  Since I had high blood pressure, I had that cuff on and it was checking my bp every 15 mins.. and it was getting super tight (my hand would turn purplish black every time.. ugh)  So I didn't get any sleep.  The nurses got pretty busy that night, so they got alittle behind on uping my Pit.  But I wasn't in pain yet, so it wasn't too bad.  Later that morning, they changed nurses and the new one was really great (really all the nurses were wonderful, but you can't help but have your favs)  She was on top of uping the Pit and got my doc premission to up it quicker (since they got behind).  She really wanted me to be in pain, so we called her Crazy Eye.. :)  At one point, they worried that the baby was brech, so they did a quick ultra sound to make sure he was head down (his heartbeat was pretty high up on my belly..)  Good news he was head down..  And finally around 2-3pm I started feeling the contractions.  T helped me breath thru them, but they were getting closer together and stronger (one was 3 mins long).. They started getting worried about them being so close together and it was getting late, so they checked me again.  Sadly, I was still the same.  Very high and only a fingertip.  I was very dissappointed at this point.  Dr. stopped the Pit for the night and let me eat dinner (before this I had been on a liquid diet).  Then overnight they started me on Cervdil to help me progress.  The next morning(the 15th) they rechecked me and I was softer and maybe a 2, but still VERY high.
   So we went back on the pit.  I was on that until about 3, when I got rechecked and still only 2 and high, so Dr said the baby wasn't moving down and we should do a c-section.  So at 4:30pm on the 15th, I went in for a c-section.  They gave me some antibotics in my IV, which made me get sick.. got T his scrubs.. and I went into the OR.  There I got my spinal (which wasn't as bad as I had feared) As I started feeling numb, I got sick again and my blood pressure dropped really low, so they gave me some meds for both.  T got in there and the Drs came in and before I knew it I heard the most beauitful sound ever... My sons first cry.  They pulled him out and showed T and me and then took him over to the little bed thing.  T went over there and was able to carry him to me so we could get a quick pic and then he took him to the bed where they both went into the NICU.  Little did we know that would be the last time T would be able to hold him for a few days. 
   Z (baby) was having some issues breathing, he was grunting, b/c he had fluid in his lungs.  So he had to stay in the NICU for a while and I wasn't able to feed him/hold him or anything like that right away.  They did wheel my bed into the NICU, so I could touch him and see him for really the first time.  It was so great seeing him, but broke my heart that I could hold him and comfort him while he was breathing hard.  We really thought that night he'd be better and be able to be with us.  We were wrong.  It took about 2 days before I was allowed to hold him or feed him.  Finally, his breathing had calmed down, and we were able to start feeding (before that he was only getting fluids from an IV in his little head)  He also had lot so wires and things hooked up to him.  Thursday we tried having him in our room for the night, but around 1 he started grunting again and had to go back into the NICU (It was the worst feeling in the world watching them take him back even tho I knew it was for the best, it still broke my heart)  After a LONG week at the hospital we were finally able to leave Sat... 
   Z is doing well, at first he did have jaundice, and we were close to needing to go back to the hospital, but didn't have to in the end.  He lost a whole lb, due to being on only fluids at first and being jaundice and now we wer working on him getting back to his birth weight of 10lbs 11 oz.  We will get there!!

Sorry this was so long!

1 comment:

Jack said...

Mom and I are so proud of both you and T (do I have to call him T in person now? LOL). You guys were real troopers through all of this ordeal and it was for the best. You have given us the best grandson ever hon. We love you!
