Friday, March 25, 2011


Fridays are no longer as exciting now that I'm a stay at home mom.  Normally they do mean Tim will  be home, but he is working this Sat.. so he won't be here.  Which does make me sad.  But we have a lot less going on this weekend than we did last weekend.. so that is nice! 
Tonight, I have been really tired and sore.  I'm really just not feeling that well physical or mentality..  so I've been watching funny you tube videos while nursing, b/c at night we tend to nurse from about 7-10 pretty non stop (or every hour)  So its either surf the internet or watch a movie.  Tim is working out so he is using the TV, so that leaves the internet.  I've already read all my mommy blog, been on the bump, and facebook.. so that leaves youtube.  And I have to say, it isn't helping me being tired or sore, but it is helping with my mood.  So that is good.
Update on Zach: He is really starting to gain control of his head.  He is getting so strong!  Sleeping pretty well- goes to sleep around 10:30 or 11 and stays that way until 3.. so 4 hours!!  then wakes again around 5:30 or 6 and about every 2-3 hours. 
Well thats all  have for now...  Have a good weekend

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