Friday, March 11, 2011

Life with a Newborn!

    So I barely have time for a shower during the day let alone blogging.. lol, but I do want to make a better try at writing in this at least weekly! First let me update on how Zach is doing weight wise.  He is finally back up to his birth weight!  YAY.. 10lbs 11 oz!  That makes for a heavy carseat! 
   Things are going pretty well.  His cord fell off so once he wakes up we are going to give him his first bath!  Which is exciting!  He is eating alot, I'd say about every 2-3 hours during the day and 3 at night...  And most the time our nights are pretty easy.  Wake up and feed and then he falls asleep.  Sometimes he fights going to sleep and is awake pretty late (1-3 am...poor mommy..)  But overall I can't complain too much.  He is so beautiful.. I really can't get over it!
   Today T got home early from work, which was nice for me.  We went for a walk with the dog, and then T put up some can lights in our living room.  They look really good!  I was able to shower and jam out to some music while in there.. lol  Also it gave me a chance to clean up the house alittle bit.. but its still pretty messy.  I'm sure with time it will be clean again.. at least I hope. 
   As far as motherhood is going, it was nothing like I expected.  I knew it would be hard, but I didn't realise how hard it would actually be.  I'm very tired, and kinda feel like I'm always feeding Zach.  I kinda feel like I'm not playing with him enough, but I know I am.  There are times I really feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.. but we manage and I'm def learning as I go.  I didn't fall in love with Z as fast as I thought I would.. don't get me wrong, I love my son so much, it just took much longer than I expected.  I'm sure his birth experince had alot to do with it, but still.  Now somedays I can't stop looking at him!  I'm so grateful for a few websites (bump is a main one) and a few people that have been so helpful-with out these things and people I'd be so lost!  I'm very excited about going to a few "new mom" things.  One is a new mom group in my town and the other is being offered by the hospital where I gave birth.  Its a new mom's tea.  It will be really nice to meet people around here that are in the same boat as we are in and understand.
   Well that is all I have today...  Have a great weekend!!

See told you he was beautiful!!  :)

1 comment:

jean said...

yes he is beautiful and so are you :)