Sunday, October 14, 2012

Crazy Week!

I should say exhausting.. crazy.. emotional... good.. week.  Z was so spicy this week.  I'm not sure if it was teething, or maybe he was just tired of being around me.  But he had so many tantrums and melt downs.  I was at the end of my rope...  Lucky it was the beginning of hockey season and nana and papa were planning on taking him overnight Friday.  It was a much needed break.  T and I went on a overnight getaway.  It was nice just being a couple.  We ended up extending it to the whole weekend, so Z stayed an extra night.  So by the time this morning came around, we were ready to see our little man.  He was great at Nana's and Papa's.. which makes me think maybe the 3 weeks of pretty non stop time together (him being sick.. I didn't leave him much) was wearing on him.  Its good to step away every now and then!

I'm all recharged and ready for another week to start!  Working on homework, while the boys are watching some baseball.

On a side note, today T & I joined a gym!  I lost about 12 lbs at home just working out and eating better, so I'm thinking a gym will just help keep that going.. and they have day care.. so I can workout during the day and they'll watch Z.  So I'm pretty excited about that!

We have been busy doing lots of little activities lately since Z was sick and we needed to stay inside lot.  So I'll be post pics of those soon. 

Playing in homemade Moon Sand...

Even daddy joined in the messy fun!

This was playing in homemade snow.. also messy messy fun!

Talking to Nana in his chair

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