Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Finding time for myself...

What would you do with a day of whatever you wanted to do?  I painted and planted plants, flowers, veggies & herbs to make a peaceful place for me...  Of course Z and T and even chase get to enjoy it, but it was my project!

Yellow & white.. such happy cheery colors!!  And it matches the dump trucks ;)  I have few more things to add and a planted box to add, but I'm so proud of this!  If you are on IG and facebook you've seen this picture and I'm sorry for the repeat, but I am currently outside, sitting at the table looking at them now, and too lazy to get up and get my camera with other pictures! 
Here is whats in it:
Green peppers, tomoates, strawberries, butternut squash, candytuft, petunia's, shasta daisies, pepperment, thyme, meadow sage (and another type of sage), lilies, Sundail mix, kolbold blue liatris, hardy aster, birds foot trefoil, Orange symphony, new zealand brass buttons, tick seed/earlysunrise, marigolds, pincushion flower, and two plants I don't know b/c a friend gave them to me. Also I have lavendar.
Inside I have bambo, and aloe vera.

I like to drink tea in the mornings and evenings (well sometimes its wine in the evenings...)  and its so nice to have a happy place to come!  It really has been a hard winter and beginning of spring for us/me.  Getting my hands in the soil and the paint was so refreshing.. for real!  

Tomorrow I'm working out again w/ my trainer.. I need to get back into the routine...  But thought I'd share my new deck garden!!  I love it!!  And if you want to join me out here, please come ;) 

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