Saturday, October 22, 2011

time is going so fast!

T said to me today, "Z will be one before we know it"  This broke my heart!  I'm so excited to watch him grow up, but I so sad to loose my baby!  Each day he is becoming less baby and more big boy!  Like today, he pulled himself up like normal.. but then let go of the table and stayed standing up.. ON HIS OWN!  It only lasted a few seconds.. but its the beginning of the end.  So I saw on a friends blog her post things she didn't want to forget.. I thought it was cute, so I'm stealing it (out of love, b/c I LOVE her post and pictures on her blog!)  Things I don't want to forget:
When he really likes a toy, he yells/growls.  I love this noise he makes-even when he does it in the restaurants or stores!
He loves standing up/pulling himself up.
He is all about kisses right now.. Big wet drooly kisses! 
Dogs are his all time favorite things.. nothing can make him laugh harder than a dog.
When dada comes home, its the best part of his whole day.. He lights up when he sees T, and smiles and laughs.. This melts my heart!
When he wakes up from a nap, he grunts as if calling out to see where I am.
He crawls funny.. He keeps one leg bent and the other one he uses to push himself off.. kinda like a mix between bear crawl and crawling.. super cute either way.
When he cuddles after he's nursed.. pure peacefulness.  He normally pats/rubs my neck/back.. :) 
His smile...  toothless (at least tonight)
His laugh.. and how he does a silent laugh when things are really fun for him
Watching him play w/ Z
The way he looks at me while I'm holding Z

I'm so happy with my life right now.. its crazy, messy, stressful, hard.. but more fun than I've had before.  I can't even tell you how much fun I have w/ Z and T.  I'm so blessed!
I should prolly do an 8 month stat too:
Weight: guess about 20ish lbs
Not sure about height:
Wears 12-18 month clothes normally
Diapers: size 4
Eye color: Blue w/ some green
Sleep:  Pretty well.. normally wakes about 3 am
Eatting.. Loves food!!
Walk: Not yet
Teeth: None yet.. but been grumpy, drooly, and I saw alittle white dot on his swollen gums tonight...
Favorite thing: Dogs
Toy: Sophie
Food: there isn't much he doesn't like
Activity: Walks and bathtime
Naps about twice a day
Pulling himself up on everything, crawling like a champ, doesn't cry when he falls every time now, can climb stairs, can clap/do paticake... we are working on blowing kisses.  He gives kisses and hugs.
Finger paints (baby safe..)

Doggy safe too.. Sharing :)

Just woke up from nap.

The table is now a Zach Zone.. lol

On the move

Lovin bath time
Thats about it for now :)

1 comment:

jean said...

He is growing up so fast. I am so proud of you and T you are great parents (you had good examples lol) :). I love you both