Monday, October 3, 2011

Walk to remember!

Rewind 2 years ago.. Rain and cold.. rewind 1 year ago.. rain and really cold.. Last Sat morning.. Lovely!  Which is good, because we did the Walk to End Alzheimer's!  Team Dar did great!!  :)  Even Zach "walked"
This year we raised $850 (I think that was our final.. unless there were last min donations).  It was so nice out, the sun was shinny and it wasn't that cold!  The flowers we are holding for part of the memory garden.  Each color had a meaning, Yellow was for supporting a family member.  Blue was if you had Alzheimer, purple was if you have lost someone from alz and orange was if you were supporting the cause.  It was a super cute idea.  Z was awake for the first part, then fell asleep (if you were getting carried around on someone's back.. I think you'd fall asleep too!)  We weren't the only ones baby wearing there either!  Our friends S & B were there and B was being carried by her mama too!  Anyway, I'm super proud of our team and can't wait to get do even better next year! 
Walking in style!

Memory Garden

My big boy!!
From there we went to a pumpkin patch!  When he gets older those are going to be so much fun (and a headach.. I think :) ) and we picked out a couple pumpkins.. I'll post pic of those when we carve them :)  It was fun and nice to get out of the house.
"I love my grandma!"
Uncle M
Wore out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh my gosh- look at his crooked little smile! that cracks me up