Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fever Gone & Classes

Z is finally fever free!  Hurray and thank the Lord!  Having a sick baby is no fun at all!  I think this was the longest he has ever had a fever!  I kinda feel like we have been very sick this year!  But then a friend told me that babies normally get about 6 colds in their first year.. which made me feel a little better.  Either way, I'm thrilled that he is feeling better!  He is normally a pretty sweet boy even when he is sick, but the fun comes out when he is feeling better.. I'm excited to play again!  Favorite games include playing cars -and it won't be cars without the "vroom" noise-which he makes the whole time!  Patty cake (really one of this all time fav.. Rolling it is the best part!)  If I start singing it, he'll start doing he claps and rolling it and patting it.. Super cute!  He isn't in love w/ Story time, he'd rather eat the books and turn the pages, but we'll get there.  He like to color/draw.. mainly on mommy's books ;)  But he does do it in his color pages too.  I excited for this spring/summer when we can go outside and use sidewalk chalk.  And he is eating like a champ again!  While he was sick, he wasn't eating much.  at all..  He was nursing nonstop, but not tons of solids.  Well that has changed!!
Class started yesterday.  I think this semester will be busy, but good.  I enjoyed class yesterday.. So thats good!
  I've been very blessed to stay busy doing parites/classes and facials with Mary Kay  since I started.  I can't even tell you how much I'm enjoying it!!  Its so much fun to help other women and hang out with them!  This weekend I have a workshop for Mary Kay, so I'll be gone overnight.  Its the first time I'll be overnight away from Z without T.  So first time away from Z that isn't a date night thing.  I'm excited about the weekend, and a bit sad about leaving my little man!  I wonder how much I'll miss him.  I know him and dada will have a good time without me, so that helps.  Well thats a little update about us!

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