Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Its been way to long!!

In Dec, I was doing so well staying up on my bloggin!!  This month so far, I've done awful!!  But what can I say, Z is just too much fun to play with, so thats where most my time has gone!!
Some up dates on him.  He now was 2 teeth!  He got his second one on Christmas.. and right now, he is working on his top ones-I only think that b/c of the 3 am wake up calls and he's grumpier than normal!  Christmas was wonderful!  It was so nice having friends and family around and Z did great!  Now on to the Birthday party!  I've been planning and prepping for a few weeks now.  Today I'm going to make the invites so I can get those mailed out..  We are doing a Winter Onerland theme Feb 18th 2-4, friends and family save that date :) 
Z is getting soo big!  He is talking like crazy.. says, mom, mama, dada, daddy, doggie, and yea.  He has started shaking his head yes and no.  and LOVES patacake.. It is his favorite game.. he really loves the roll it part.  He does them himself.  He thinks its super funny when people sneeze!  He is super close to walking without help.  too close IMO. 
School starts soon.  So back to being super busy!  My goal is to have the house clean by the time school starts..  Right now I'm working on laundry.. ugh.  dreaded laundry!  lol  Mary Kay is going great!  I'm having a blast with it!  I love doing parties and teaching women about their skin!  (So.. if you'd like to have a party/class let me know ;) )  Well here are some pictures!

Christmas morning!

After an exhausting Christmas day.. nap time!

Helping mama.. note the pans that were taken out of cabinet. 

Sweet boy

Check out his new ninja turtle hat.. :)

Playing guitar w/ dada.  Love these moments!

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