Wednesday, February 22, 2012


           Hey.. Z is napping right now.. and I don't have homework.. or Mary Kay.. or cleaning well... I finally have a moment to sit down.. and update all you!  Well Z is one!!  This year had gone soo very fast and slow all at the same time.. We have been so very blessed with a very good natured baby.. Who I can't even put into words how much I love him!  His birthday was lovely!  We woke up and banana pancakes, and had a pretty low key afternoon.. Then when dada got home, we went to a basket ball game.  Z enjoyed flirting with all the people around us, and watching the big screen.  The next day we did cake (strawberry cake w/ chocolate icing.. yummy!) and open gifts.  He loved the drum we got him, and the other gifts.  We also went to the doctor, Z did great!  We didn't get shots, b/c of him having croup the week before and the meds he got.  So we have to wait 2 weeks.  I was planning on waiting anyway, since I didn't want him to have a bad reaction for his party...
         Which brings me to his party.  Sat we had his party.. and it was a blast!  I loved having it at the bowling alley.. People were able bowl or watch Z eat his cake and open gifts.  He had some of his friends there, and I barely saw him!  Z was in the good arms of just about everyone :)  He got to see our friends and family and have yummy pizza and cake.. Which when Z had his.. he ate almost all of it!  He loved it..  He even shared some w/ momma!  During the opening gifts his sugar high started to wear down... and he got sleepy.  He got so much great stuff!!  I can't even list everything here!  But thanks so much for everyone that came and made Z's big day so wonderful!  It was so much watching him walking around playing with everyone. 
          Speaking of walking.. I don't know if I wrote about him walking but this kid is awalking!  He is all about it now!  And he is getting good too!  I can't get over watching him!  Big boy!!  Ok, so I'm going to post picture and I promise I'll do better about blogging this week!  And since we have SOO many pictures from these last few weeks, I'm going to be posting them little by little on different days.. so check back often!  :)

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