Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This is my word of the year!  I'm trying to find my balance.  It just happens to be my favorite oil too ;)  But really.. Balance as a mom is so hard to find I think.  We wear so many different hats!  This year... I will find my right balance.  Between family, Zach, teaching him, working out, planning our family, cleaning the house, my faith, being a good wife, daughter and friend.  My jobs, church, etc.  You get the picture.
So far, I think I'm doing well.  I'm learning to say no to people.  I have to take care of myself so I can take care of my family and friends.  I want to take more trips this year.  I have dear friends all over!  I want to see them, as much as possible!  I forsee alot of trips to KY, TN, MI, & hopefully even ID!  I want to keep my house clean (which is EXHAUSTING!)  I need to lose more weight to get back to where I need to be.  These aren't resolutions , these are things I need to do to find my balance.  When I'm balanced and grounded I feel good.  I am good.  So I'm working hard on getting that balance back.
When Z was so sick for so long, my balance/routine/ life went crazy.  I became absorbed in taking care of him.  Every week he was sick, it took a lot out of me.  Then all my emotional stuff happened right as he was getting better (thanks to my Doterra oils).  So then I was out of balance from all of that.  But now, I am in control.  He is better, I am prepared and have tools for when he gets sick again.  Emotionally I still need work-don't we all??  But I'm working through it, I see the light.  There are so many more good days now.  I am ready.  I am ready for 2014.  This year will be amazing!!  I have alot of hopes and goals for this year.  Bigger than before.  More important than before.  :)  I'm excited!

As you finish reading this... Think of a word you want for this year....
Cheers to 2014!

And as you noticed.. when I'm more balanced.. I blog more ;)  I think I am back to being able to blog more often again and I am excited about that.  I love my blog.. I love those that read it!  Leave a commit with your word.. I would love to know it and to know you are still enjoying reading my blog

Coffee will help me get balance in the mornings :)

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