Friday, January 24, 2014

what a week!

Ok, its cold!!  like super cold... Like stay in the house and go crazy cold!  lol.. So in that.. this week, z has fallen down the stairs, I broke a wine glass.  Chase has gotten into lots of trouble-going potty inside b/c its too cold outside, ate his collar... no idea why...  Crazy dog.  But even with all the crazy and scary things, there really is so much joy in our house.  Z is so spicy, but such a happy boy.  We have too much fun.  really.  
Between playing in playdoh, painting, coloring, playing in our "tents" having juice in bed.  Hearing his stories, and the funny things he says.  Playing hide and seek.. and even him playing ghost with daddy on the ps4 (this kid is lucky!!)  Grandpa bringing us dinner and playing, skyping with nana.  he even "painted" our nails... We enjoy that happy that brings...

Even Chase has his moments of bliss.. He is such a cuddlier...

So even with all the crazy bad things that happen.. I have found my happy self again.  Oh, I have missed me...  I was so optimistic before all the sickenss and miscarriages hit..  and for the first time in a long time, I'm not just not sad, I'm actually happy.  I hope everyone else can find some joy even in hard weeks :)

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