Monday, June 20, 2011

1 year ago!

1 year ago, I sat in the bathroom.. staring at this:
It was almost unbelievable.  I knew in the moment everything in my life had just changed.  I won't lie, I cried.  I was scared and overwhelmed with emotion.  We hadn't been trying.  We had got off BC a month before to start trying in 6 months.. I was excited, also, but mainly scared.  So I cried, and thought about everything.  Then I thought about my job, my trips, my life and how in one moment it all changed.  And then I thought about how I was going to tell my husband.  I had planned so many clever ways to tell when the time came.  Buying him a willow tree figure and giving it to him.

  This one.. but I didn't.. I didn't have a card, I had thought of a little poem and putting it in a frame w/ a baby sock, but no...instead I went into the bedroom, crying and (as he will put it) "threw" this test to him.  I then saw him smile, and pull me into his arms.  He was so excited and happy... which set my mind at ease.  But for the record, I didn't throw the test at him.. I ran it to him and put it in front of his face so he'd see the 2 pink lines...  that changed everything :)  Fast forward to what I woke up to this morning:
 The joy of my life now.  Nothing can melt my heart the way this little man's smile does.   Nothing makes me more happy than seeing him do something new (and old for that matter..)  I delight when I see him and his daddy playing, dancing, talking, or really anything.  He is my life now and I couldn't be more happy!  I was scared one year ago about what was going to come, and I'm still kinda scared.. but so happy.  I've learned what real love is, and  get to see it every day!  Watch Zach grow and change every day is so wonderful and he is by far the best thing we have ever done.  He looks so much like his daddy, its crazy!  and a good thing because after all I did fall in love with his daddy.. :)  By the way, June 20th was Father's Day last year, and this year I can't top that gift-not even going to try :) 

1 comment:

bonniebelle said...

Awww! We are BFP buddies! We got ours last Fathers Day too. It was one of the most exciting and yet scary days of my life! It's amazing how much your life can change in one short year. Happy BFP Anniversary!