Saturday, June 18, 2011

4 months old and getting big!

Alittle late.. but.  Z is 4 months old now!  Weds we had his 4 month apt and all went well!  He is in the 90% of height (almost 27in long!) and 75% for weight (16lbs)  He is a tall boy!  The doc was impressed with how aware he is and how strong he is (with standing and "pulling" himself up).  He can sit w/ support and loves standing (with support/balance)  He is talking away and smiles all the time.  We are having so much fun with him!  He can keep himself happy by playing alone in his jumperoo and his matt.  He also rolls over from both belly to back and back to belly!  He loves rolling form back to belly.. so he normally ends up sleeping on his belly.  Right now we are in a size 2 diaper, but its getting too small (which means he is blowing out of them)  We are trying to use up most the size 2 b/4 we do more cloth diapers. 
Food wise, Doc said not to start until late 5 months or 6 months old, which is fine with me.  He is still happy w/ BFing and getting enough with that, so I''m happy.  The doc was really happy with how Z is doing, which makes me happy! 
On a side note, my mom is having surgery this Monday on her ankle, so please keep her in your prayers.  We (Zach and I) will be there a lot this week helping dad out while she recovers and is not allow to put weight on it.  She was there for me (of course) when I was stuck on bedrest and learning how to be a mom, so I'm more than happy to be there for her!  I'm lucky to have such a wonderful mom and friend! :)
This is my new siggy for my board.. and I thought it was super cute!

Sorry its blurry!  Its so hard to get his smiling!


1 comment:

jean said...

any excuse to get Zach and you to my house lol. Thanks in advance for everything. Z is such a wonderful gift and you are doing a great job at being a Mom.