Tuesday, June 14, 2011


    Most people who know Zach, know he is(was) a great sleeper.  He is the baby that normally sleeps thru events/play dates and thru the night.  I knew that it would stop at some point, but I didn't think it'd be so soon!  All week we have been waking up at least 2 times a night.  Normally around 1-3 and then 4-6.  Also, napping has become much harder.  For example, yesterday he finally took about an hour nap around 4.  So we were awake for the better part of 9am-4pm!  He did take a few cat naps, but didn't stay asleep for long.  I'm wondering if this is all part of the 4 month wakeful or just because there are so many new exciting things he can seen now.  Either way, I'm not complaining too much.  When he wakes up at night, he just eats and goes back to sleep.  Plus its nice to cuddle with him at night again
    I've started to make some baby food.  I wanted to try it out since I'm guessing he will be he will be eating food before I know it!  I cooked 2 sweet potatoes by baking them.  Then I got the insides out and put them in the food processor with some breast milk.  After I got them pretty smooth, I poured them into ice trays and then froze them.  The ice trays make 1 oz cubes, so it perfect for baby food.  I have a few other things, green beans, bananas, and carrots, I want to try next.  Today I think I'm going to bananas.  Those are pretty easy, just mush, add BM and freeze.  I have a great website I'm looking at.  http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/ and its been super helpful! 
     Today, I'm waiting for the UPS man, and I really hope he comes here before Tim gets home.  His birthday present is coming today and I'm pretty excited!  His birthday isn't until the end of the month, but I might give it to him early.. we will see :). 
Just like daddy!

Happy Boy!

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