Saturday, September 24, 2011

7 months old

WAY LATE.. but I have a good excuse!  We have had friends visiting us this last week.. so we are been busy chasing around a 13 month old girl(E) and Z man.  It was soo wonderful having them here, nice having 2 moms and 2 babies.  And E and Z loved each other!  She was always giving him kisses and hugs (and tackles).. The first couple days Z wasn't so sure about the "love" she was giving.. but then he got used to the head bangs pats and tackles hugs.. lol  She was so good with him and knew "nice, nice" (what a smart little girl!) It was so great hanging out w/ a great friend too!  Tim worked late a lot, and having them here just really helped me.  I've been so lonely here in the house w/ just Z.  T has been super busy w/ work, so its just been me and the baby.. it was a great break having someone else here.  Also we moved bed time up to 8.  Mainly b/c that is when E went down.. so we just put Zach down then too.  It worked great!  Gave us mommies time for a mommy drink.. and much earned drink.  Well enough about all that, here are the 7 months Stats a bit late:
Weight: 19lbs!
Height: I'm not sure.. didn't get measured this month
Size clothes: 9-12 for the most part, I can get him into 6-9, but its tight
Size diapers: 4.. been taking a little break from CD.. just to try to get sane
Crawling: oh yea!  All over the place!
Pulling up:  He can pull himself up on the couch and using toys..
Sitting up: Yep, he goes from lying down to sitting to crawling to rolling.. lol
Favorite noise to make: Blowing raspberries.. all the time.. on everything! 
Talking:  He makes grunts and growls alot.. and starting to babble a bit
Favorite toy: we have a leap frog table that makes noise.. he is a big fan of it!
Favorite song:  He loves Faira Jacka.. that tune can calm him down no matter what!  We have made up our own words for it now too!
Odd thing he is doing:  Smacking his lips...  and sucking them into his month.. its very funny to watch!!

Alright, I think thats about it for now!  Enjoy some pics!  Ok alot of pic..but its been awhile since I posted.. so I'm getting caught up! :)

We love being outside!

Loving on mama!

Bear crawl!

Starting early!

Standing up!

Plotting their escape....

Sleeping at the Card/Cubs game..

At the Cards/Cubs game!

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