Friday, September 2, 2011


   Sorry I havn't been on much, I've really been doing the no computer unless Zach is sleeping or someone is here to entertain him.. so what computer time I've had has been spent on homework.  I'll start with that.  School so far has been going really well.  (all though I really should be doing homework now instead of blogging, but ohwell :) )  I have gotten 100% on all my stuff, (stats quiz, homework and same w/ human growth)  So far, I'm enjoying the teachers and it is really nice getting out of the house and away from the baby for a few hours a couple times a week.  Yesterday I was super tired, and had to fight the urge to skip class (Byproduct of the teacher saying we don't have to come...)  But I'm glad I went and I def got somethings out of class.  On that note, we've been so thankful to my parents!  They watch Z on Mondays, since class starts before T gets off work.  The plan has been for T to have him Thrusday-b/c my class starts at 7.. Well the two Thrusday classes I've had so far, my parents has had to watch Z.  T has been working some crazy hours!  So I'm really greatful we have them and they are so willing to babysit for us!  But really who could blame them-Z is pretty darn cute!
  This brings me to my next point.  T has been working nonstop!  Which is great that they are busy, but man do I miss him!!  So its been me and the little guy most the time.  I'm looking forward to this weekend (if T doesn't have to work the whole time)  But all this "single" parenting (I just say single in the physical form.. I don't know how real single parents do it.. bringing in the income, taking care of the baby, doing everything alone..)  is so exhausting!  I'm so tired and drained.  I feel like I'm doing laundry, cooking, playing, and trying to clean nonstop.  Plus Z hasn't been sleeping very well.  2 nights ago was awful!  He ate about every 45 mins.  But last night he only woke up a  few times (3 am, then 5 am, then 7am)  so not too bad.
    I've been busy making more baby food today!  I'm do really like being able to control exactly what is in his food and picking how thick the puree is.  I am kinda doing a blend of babyled weaning  ( and some puree's.  Z is dong great.. kid can eat!  Today he had bananas(sliced), brown rice, and some peach puree.  For a snack he had avacodo "sticks".  We do have some jarred baby food, which is nice to keep to take to a sitters, but its too smooth for him, so we add some rice cereal to it to thicken it up.  He also really likes squash "sticks".. I take squash and cut sticks out of them and Z eats them right up!  Its not a super clean way of life.. :)
   Well just thought I'd give a little update!  Here are a few pics to leave you with :)

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