Thursday, September 8, 2011

Crib sleeping!

     Yep, thats right, we moved Z outta our room up into his room!  T was so excited that Z finally was sleeping in the room that we spent so much time redoing and getting ready just for Z!  I was not as excited, but after a few days, its really nice.  He naps in there too, which is really nice!  I'm able to get so much more done, without the worry of waking him up.  I will post some pic of him.. when I get some.  But Z is doing great in his room, I think he was ready.  He wakes up around 4 and then again at 6, then we bring him to our room until we get up for the mornings around 9. 
       Z is getting around alot better.  He does less of the "fall" forward and more of the crawling.  But he always turns it into a bear crawl and tries to get up on his legs.  It won't be long until I'll be chasing him all around the house!
     Camping went really well last weekend.  Since Z was the cutest boy there, he had most the ladies attention.  But who could really blame them ;)  Z slept in our tent w/ us and slept better than T or me.  Z loves being outside, loves the grass, and dirt.  He isn't one that doesn't like being dirty.  The weather was perfect also! 
    School is going well.. Def getting harder, which means more time spent on homework, but I'm getting it all done.  T is still working all the time, which makes it harder to find time to work on homework, but I'm hanging in there.  Its all about learning balance, which is hard. 
I'll post some pictures later when I have more time...

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