Thursday, March 15, 2012

1 year and 1 month of nursing

If nursing offends you.. don't read this (and you should grow up too)  I meant to post this when Z turned a year.. but forgot!  Anyway, I'm super proud of us!  We have been nursing for over a year.  After not being able to nurse right at birth( not for 2 days to be more clear) Long jaundice, dumb Drs ordering me to stop for 5 days, a few clogged ducts, pumping, milk sharing, and traveling around without baby.. We did it and still going strong! 
He doesn't nurse much when we are running around town, but mornings and nights we still get that bonding time.  If we are home, he'll nurse more often and likes to nurse before nap time.  My next goal is 2 years as long as we are both happy to keep it up.  But I've loved this journey.. I love that I can help other new moms with breastfeeding questions.  And I love how healthy and happy is has made our family!  :) 

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