Thursday, March 15, 2012

Walking with a 1 year old

Lately I've been able to slow down.. and really enjoy our surroundings!  It helps that I'm keeping pace with a toddler.  Have you walked with a toddler lately?  The smallest things brings them the most joy!  At least that is how it is with Z.  The weather has been so great lately, so we've been visiting parks and taking so many walks!  I had no idea walking on grass was so much fun!  Z LOVES it!  He "runs" around in a circle laughing because the ground is not even.. or at least thats why I think he is laughing.  Playing in dirt/mud is also very fun!  I have a boy... We went to the playground by our house last night and he was loving digging around in the rocks.  Picking them up and dropping them on his head.. lol.  Same w/ woodchips and dirt.  I like that is isn't scared to get dirty... but I'm finding he isn't in love with slides.  He gets scared I think.. Now maybe if the slide had mud on it.. ;) 
I just love watching him learn new things!  I'm so excited for this summer and all the fun stuff we'll get to do!

And since he is 13 months today (crazy!!) I'll do some stats:
Teeth:  Still only 2 bottom ones.. the tops one are right there tho!
Walking: Yes.. starting to run!
Favorite food: Bananas and he'll tell you so!
Words: Lots!  (daddy, banana, doggie, mom, ya,  I'm done, .. and there is more.. just can't think of them)
Cute thing he started lately: Talking on phones, putting his shoes on top of his feet.
He dances and loves playing his drum.
Favorite toy.. um.. prolly his phones
He loves his pup.. and loves being outside!

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