Friday, March 9, 2012

A lost me..

The last few days, I've been meaning to get on here, and post.  Normally when I'm driving in my car, I think about what I want to type.  Zach is getting so big.. walking, talking, turning into a toddler.  He amazes me everyday!  He now pretends to be on the phone, "cleans" with rags, loves to sweep and use his little vacuum!  I think he is trying to tell me something!  ;)  But he is doing great!  Loves to share, especially his food w/ his best friend Chase-when we aren't looking!  I'm super excited about the weather getting warmer, so we can go outside more often!  Here is a pic from our 1 year photos.. will post more tomorrow!

So now about the lost me.  This spring I am getting for real about my weight loss and getting healthier.  I'm done with this body, and ready to do something about it.  This time I'm getting some accountability!  Being a Mary Kay consultant, I've learned a lot about myself.. One being I really like being recognized for my good work!  I thrive on goals and having them rewarded.  This has been part of my success so far with my Mary Kay-now to apply that knowledge in other parts of my life!  I am going to start P90X again.  For those who don't know what that is..go watch some late night TV.. (or check out:|17369|||S|e|20748565054).  Its no gimmick or get skinny fast thing, there is no pill.. Its hard work, but it comes with great results.  So, I tried to start this a few weeks ago.. but never got past day 1...  Whats different this time you ask?  A challenge.  A coach. A group.  I will have other people doing the same thing with me.. a coach (who knows I still wear Mat. Jeans...)  who will push me, and encourage me.  And my husband, who was my driving force to do well with my Mary Kay-prove to him (and myself ) that I can do this!  I can get back where I was a few years ago.  8 days until the challenge starts.  Right now I'm jump starting this, with Shakelogy ( I'm doing the Shakelogy cleanse (which isn't what is sounds like.. ) its about getting my body use to healthy foods, nothing to do w/ my colon.. lol.  I have cut pop out (again...) and after the cleanse, I'll start my P90X diet, just intime to start my work outs. 
Which brings me to my next point.. When in the world will I have time to workout  for an hour a day (for 6 days a week) with a 1 year old, college classes, working my Mary Kay, running a house?  Well I am about to join a club I never EVER thought I would... Mary Kay called it the 5o'clock club.. And its where you wake up early (VERY early) to get a head start on the day.. This is going to be something I will need to do...  But if you think about it.. Waking up at 5 in the morning will give me at least 2-3 hours extra a day... 10 hours a week.  I plan on working out, having some devo time, and showering.. Maybe even picking up.. all before my little man gets up.  I am telling you all this, b/c its about accountability.  I will be updating everyone on how this goes!  My goal: 

This was 2008.. Not that long ago.  I got to this by eating healthy and lots of working out!  I will be this size again!!

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