Sunday, February 24, 2013

Influenza.. why not?

At this point I'm starting to get a bit tired of starting this off w/ a sickness in the title or as the subject... but it is our life right now.  Yesterday Z was doing a bit better.  He was doing great drinking, but then spiked a fever.. and started coughing.  As the day went on the cough got worst.  Then night time came.  It was a rough night.  Z woke up alot.. at one point I ended up camping out next to his crib to comfort him when he cried and woke up.  We got about 3 or 4 hours of sleep b/c he woke up pretty early...  So in the morning when he still was running a fever.. I started to worry he might have influenza.. so I called the dr on call and they told me to come in.  Which really I was planning on it anyway.. something just felt wrong.. it felt more than just a cold.  So off we went. 
B/c of his symptoms we needed to put a mask on him.. Heartbreaking.. Then we needed to get an x-ray to rule out pneumonia.. So I had to hold him and hold the little board thing.. it was hard..  He was screaming and wanting to get out.. anyway.. Lungs were clear and verdict was the flu.. so we got the tamiflu or whatever its called.  I have to break the capsules off and put them in food to give it to him.. but hopefully it makes him better fast.. I'm tired and we both need a decent night of sleep..

Also T isn't feeling very well either.. He spent most the day in bed.... 

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh no! Poor little guy!