Saturday, February 23, 2013

Z update

For those not on facebook thought I'd send a quick update.  Yesterday was for real one of the scariest days for me.  I wrote alittle bit about it on here, but didn't go into much detail.  Well like I said yesterday, Z woke up and was so tired.  He woke up at 7.. and slept on and off in my arms all morning.  He was so lethargic.. It was scary.  I was able to get into the dr at 10.  Z was asleep before we got off our road!  When I say tired I mean from getting up till putting him in the car he didn't get out of my arms.  No playing, no talking (other than saying drink twice) nothing.. He wouldn't even say no.. When he would go to sleep.. his little eyes would roll back into his head he'd fall asleep.  He didn't even play w/ my face or hair.. he just was there.. At the Dr they said he was most likely dehydrated from this awful stomach bug.. He was borderline of needed to go to the hosptial but since he was drinking on his own, the dr suggested trying to treat him at home first.  Any time your child's dr says Need to admitt its scary for a mom to hear.  So we went home and pushed fluids.. one oz every hour.  Z did great drinking for the first part of the day!  He even got up and played for about a total of 20 mins yesterday.  We were/are still dealing w/ water poop..  But he woke up saying Mama!  and wanting to play!!  So exciting!  He only plays for about 5mins at a time right now.. then comes and cuddles in my arms.. but thats much much better than yesterday!  So at this point I think we will be able to avoid the hospital!!  Oh yea, we also came down w/ a cold last night...  So now he has a runny nose.. a cough and a sneeze.. but we can deal w/ a cold...  By the way.. I'm ready for spring...

Here was my facebook update today:
I think we might be over the dehydration scare! Zach woke up saying mama and wanting to play! He asked for a banana then wanted to play w/ bubbles! This is a giant improvement from yesterday when all he did was lay in my arms! Still need to keep pushing fluids today, but I don't think we will need to go to the hospital! Thanks for the prayers everyone!
He did come down w/ a cold.. but 2 steps up one step back is still moving forward right?

Sorry for any typoes.. its been a long few days and I wrote this quickly while Z was coloring..

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Poor Z! I am glad he's on the mend! So scary!