Friday, April 29, 2011

Battle wounds

After a lot of research and debating back and forth, and talking to our pedi, we got our vaccinations today.  I was dreading it!  When the nurse called us back, I told her I wanted to nurse him after the shots, so she set that up for us.  Then it was time for the pain.  Zach had been sleeping from about 9:30 (this was about 10:45) so he was pretty out. I picked him up and she gave him the drink one first.  He took that fine.  Then it was time for the shots.  We got 3 shots and sadly she did them ONE AT A TIME...  So 2 in one leg and 1 in the other.  Of course after the first poke, Z woke up and screamed (at which time I started tearing up) he calmed down much quicker than I thought he would.. Then the second one came.  Again he calmed down quickly.  Then we switched sides and the third one.  This was the hardest one.  Zach screamed louder, and cried a little bit longer also.  Then I stood up and he calmed right down.  Then I started nursing him and he ate for a while and I cried almost the whole time.. lol  Shots really are harder on parents than the babies.  Its so hard to see him in pain and know I made  the pain happen.  Plus there is all the worries about the side effects.  He fell asleep as soon as he was back in his carseat (11:00) and slept until we got home at 1:30.  I had done some shopping at wally world.  When we got home, he was pretty fussy, so I gave him some baby tylenol.  Then I let him play in his activity mat and I got a few smiles, which made me feel better.
   He is a bit sleepy, but doing well.  I think we will have alittle cuddle time today.  Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Fussy boy

#1 & #2

Last one!  and not even cool bandaids!  how rude!

Feeling better!


Jessica said...

Shots are tough! And what is up with those band-aids? You should complain :)

LaRae said...

I cry with the kids too. ;)