Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Life with a sick baby...

    Sick babies are no fun!  While Zach is still smiling a lot (then crying..lol) you can tell he just isn't feeling good!  Its hardest in the mornings when he is most congested and we have to suction his nose the most.  We also have been using the saline drops.. oh he HATES those!  Before we had him, I was worried how he'd react to getting his temp taken, but that doesn't seem to bug him that much.  After a quick trip outside to the mail box, heading next door to drop something off and mommy getting some breakfast, we spent the first 1/2 of the day in our room, just cuddling, nursing, suctioning, napping and repeat (with a few diaper changes in there ;)  Then he woke up and was done just hanging out in the room, so we can out of our cave and he played on his activity mat for a bit.  Then mommy thought he was feeling up for tummy time and he tolerated that for about 5 mins.  We nursed some more and then I sat him in his swing.  He has been out for 2 hours in it, so I was able to get a little bit of cleaning done.  I really can't believe how exhausted I am just from taking care of him. 
   Since he is so young there is no meds really to give him.  So all we can really do it have the humidifier running in whatever room he is in, keep suctioning his nose and wait!

1 comment:

Sweet Little Lovings said...

Aw, sorry your little guy doesn't feel well.
Its so hard when they are this little. You wish there was more you could do more to make them feel better but sadly you just have to wait it out...which is so hard!
I hope he feels better really soon!