Monday, April 25, 2011

Sick.... poor baby!

Saturday, Zach woke up with a small cough and a runny nose.  We kinda thought it was just it could have been from spendiing time around doggies w/ long fur and that could have bugged him.  We also thought, maybe it was teething, but we were hoping not b/c he's still early for that.  So we were just watching it.  He didn't have a fever, but it never got better.  Easter he woke up with the same cough, and running nose..  still no fever and he still was eating really well.  He was a bit more sleeply, so we wanted to keep watching and I planned on calling the doctor in the morning.  So this morning, I called and they wanted to see him.
   Off to the doctor we go.  He gained a whole pound since the last time they saw him, 1 1/2 weeks ago!  Dr. E listened to his lungs, and checked out his ears.  Lungs were clear (YAY!) and ears looked find.  Dr. E said it was nasal congestion prolly from a virus.  So he said to get some nasal saline and run the humidifier at night.  So, poor Zach has to get his little nose sucked for the rest of the week.  Dr. E said he should get better by the end of the week, but it might get worst before it gets better.. So now we just watch it and wait it out.
  I've learned the dangers of looking things up on the internet... I wanted to hear the sound of whooping cough, just to know what to look for... what a mistake!  The website I went on, started off with this video (that came up automatically when I went to the website.) with this mom telling this awful story of her son having a cough and not coming home with them.  It was the saddest thing ever, and something I didn't need!  I just wanted to hear what it sounded like people!!   Lesson learned!!
   Here is some cute for your day!! 

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