Thursday, March 14, 2013


We are finally getting back to real life after being sick for SOO long.. and it does feel great, but I am far from caught up on my sleep... Today I'm so tired I feel like I can't do anything!  I'm pushing hard to get some work done, but I feel like i"m taking two steps up and one back...  But I thought I share some of Z's favorites with you!
I made this for Z's birthday... and forgot to print it and hang it up..  So here it its!
I'm TWO!!
Here are a few of my favorite things!!

Book:  Disney Favorite bed time stories

Food:   Apples, cheese, and chicken

Toys:  Trains/match box cars/guns

Cartoon:  Elmo, Chuck, Thomas

Song:  The itisy bitsy spider, Jesus loves me

Movie:  Cars

Drink:  Milk

Activities:  Going to the Children’s museum, washing dishes and playing in the water, and bath time!

Other things Zachariah loves right now: Throwing balls/playing catch, playing the harmonica and drums, reading books, coloring, and playing with play dough.  Also helping mommy cook.

Silly boy playing in the bean bins...
He has also started saying "Tanks Mama"  Its my favorite thing right now!!  

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