Monday, December 26, 2011


Santa was good to me this year!!  I got my camera I've been wanting!!!  I posted about it a while ago.. sorta as a goal for me to save up for it.  Anyway I was SOOO very excited to get it!  Especially since I wasn't expecting anything at all from my hubby!  Well to be fair the camera was a  joint gift.  Grandma J, Grandpa JC, Grandpa G, and Grandpa JG And of course my husband all pitched it.. and he organized it!  So if you read this, thanks everyone for who helped out and really made my day! Ok, enough about me!!

Z had a great time with his gifts!  He ran right to his unopened gift and started playing w/ it!  Then dada helped him open a few.. 
And then mama helped. 
And then he even opened a few on his own!

It was so fun watching him play w/ his new toys!  Then the family came over for dinner.  We had about 12 people here, it was great!  Well kids, Z is up, so I'll have to write more later! 

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