Monday, December 5, 2011

Yep.. Z knows who we are..

Z has been saying mama, dada, & mom for a while.. and I've been thinking he knows I'm mama.. he says it when he sees me or wants me to pick him up.  Its super sweet...  Well since T has been gone, he hasn't said dada very often.  This morning, I got down a big family picture that has T in it.  Z smiled really big then started patting T's face and whispering (it was soooo sweet) "da da da da".  He even "kissed" his dada.. but my camera was too slow.. But you can still tell what he was doing.. 
We are ready for him to be home.. (again I'm writing this on Friday.. and having it be posted later.. so none you the crazy know we are home alone.. ;) 


Unknown said...

oh my gosh- that's awesome! he recognizes tim in the picture!! go z!

Sarah said...


Unknown said...

So sweet! Olivia just started saying Da Da, but she says it to everything right now. Including a stuffed gorilla. So I told Pete he must resemble said gorilla. :)