Thursday, December 22, 2011

So behind in my pictures!

I had such great ideas w/ his month pictures.. I had little cut out ties w/ each month on them.. and somewhere between 6 and 7 I lost them.. The sad part, I didn't know I had lost them until he was almost 7 months old (and needed to still take the 6 month picture.. ) oh well!  But I am going to post some on here.. and some other day I'll tackle sorting them...  It might be the same day I make his  (sniff.. sniff..) one year slide show for his birthday.. Can you people believe  its only (less than) 2 short months away!  I can not believe how quick its going!!  But first Christmas!  We have been having a good time opening one Christmas book a day and reading that (ok, well I read it.. and Z crawls away...)   I think this will go better as he gets older.  So for now, I need to clean my house, and bake some cookies-I can't wait until Z is old enough and can help decorate them!  For now, he just crawls around under my feet :) 

I love hosting parties, so I'm excited to have everyone at our house this year.  :)  I'm pretty excited!  I need to get a few more groceries, but other than that I'm done!  :)  Everything is bought and wrapped and under the tree!  I think thats pretty good!  lol.  Ok, now what you all really want .. here is your cute for the day!


Its exhausting eating...

Happy to be helping mama out!

Check out those baby legs..

The boys!

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