Monday, December 5, 2011

Sick baby...

T is home.. So sorry if this post is confusing anyone.. But I wanted to post this.
Last night, Z was off.. very cuddly and whiny.. and didn't want to eat anything, nurse, eat food, etc.. He'd eat alittle then put his nose up to everything.  So he fell asleep on me about 7.. he was kinda whimpering in his sleep and felt warm.. so I was walking him into his bedroom to put him to bed and take his temp.. I got into the dinning room.. he woke up and took out his paci (that isn't too rare, he hasn't been using it much lately anyway..).. but the he got sick.. all over me, him and his blanket.. and he continued to get sick.. I called for T and asked him to get paper towels.. but then thought about it. (what was a paper towel going to do.. and he was still getting sick..)  so after thinking for a moment, we all ran into the bathroom.  At this point Z was terrified and prolly in some pain.  We got Z in the bath.  He got sick a few more time through out the night, and didn't sleep at all.. poor baby!  A few loads of laundry and a few showers.. we were all cleaned up...

Today, about 7pm he started to get back to his old self!  So thats exciting!  He is sleeping in his bed right now.. so I hope he stays there for  while!  I missed my smiley happy sweet boy!  But I do enjoy the extra cuddle time that this causes..

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