Thursday, December 15, 2011

In case you didnt know...

Being a Stay at home mommy doesn't not mean you just sit at the computer or TV all day.. It also does not mean you just get to relax and enjoy your day reading books and sipping tea.. not saying I don't enjoy time w/ my little man... But it is the hardest job I have ever done.  I love being w/ Z and raising him.. and I'm super grateful that we can make it work.. But its not like I watch movies or soaps all fact normally the TV doesn't even get turned on until Dada gets home..

I chase around a very active crawling, get into everything he's not suppose to get into little guy.  He hasn't been taking a morning/afternoon nap.. which means no free time for me.  Which forces me to work on homework, housework, shower, me time, and  mary kay stuff at night.  Unless T and I havn't seen each other at all.. then I like to try to go to bed when he does.. which mean things don't get done that needed to..
My house is not super clean(most days it'd be a stretch to say clean at all..) ...  My homework wasn't all done, and I didn't get a shower every day.. But my son was taken care of, and loved and played with.  My days are spend playing pee a boo, messy lunches, and fun bath time, reading books (well I read.. Z runs away..)  wrapping all the Christmas gifts I bought, going on adventures in our house, running from place to place.. Picking up S and helping her w/ her homework, cooking meals that will end up getting thrown on the ground.. much to my pup's delight! Mailing Christmas cards..  And that was just from this week!  On top of all that I've managed to fit in Mary Kay parties, meetings, and one on ones.. And 2 finals and a project..So personally I think I rock..
Also my job doesn't stop at 5.. or 6.. or 9pm.. I'm never off.. I don't get a weekend or vacation.  .No sick days..  I'm a mom.. 24/7.. I do get a pretty good pay check.. Sweet kisses and hugs from my little boss.Calling out Mama (or mom)  And smiles & giggles.. that's my bonus.. Love it! 
Just wanted to share for those that don't really know what it means to be stay at home mom.  Sorry for the rant.. but wanted to get that off my chest!  I'm sure you other mamas understand (including working mamas!)

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